Sunday, August 31, 2008

Katastrof på G

Orkanen Gustav växer just nu till sig till oändliga proportioner. Det lutar nu åt att detta jättemonster till orkan kommer att rusa med full fart mot stackars New Orleans. Som kategori 5! Det kommer att bli en katastrof med fruktansvärt resultat. Människor kommer att mista inte bara hus och hem utan sina liv.

Som tur är har detta härjade område lärt sig en stor och allvarlig läxa efter orkanen Katrina. De har varit i full gång med obligatorisk evakuering ett bra tag. Hoppas att inga dumdristiga människor beslutar sig för att stanna kvar.

De har dessutom utfärdat obligatorisk evakuering i kustdelarna av Alabamatrakten och i Mississippi. De har något som heter contraflow i Louisiana och Mississippi, detta innebär att de öppnar de största motorvägarna till enkelriktad trafik för båda körriktningarna från Louisiana in till Mississippi. Så man kan bara köra åt ett håll. På detta vis kan de snabbara evakuera de områden som är mest utsatta, med 6 filer i stället för de vanliga 3.

Problemet är ju inte bara att det är en monsterorkan utan dess like, New Orleans ligger ju under havsnivån, och med stormen kommer svallvågor som kommer att dränka hela staden. Och sedan har vi de förbenade "levees", fördämmningsvallarna som är byggda runt om New Orleans för att hålla vattnet ute (eftersom staden är byggd under havsnivån, dumt, dumt, DUMT). De har ju reparerats sedan Katrina, men de kan kanske hantera en kategori 3. Kanske.

Så på måndag kommer den. Vi får hålla andan och hoppas att det går så bra det kan gå.

Vi känner mer av Gustav här i Florida än vad vi gjorde av Fey! Vi har rejäla vindar, mulet och regnskurar, eftersom Gustavs "feeder bands" sträcker sig nästan över hela Florida!

Och sedan får vi vända blicken mot vad som ännu är en tropisk storm, Hanna. Den stormen förväntas gå in över Floridas östkust senare i veckan.

Suck ja. Global warming is a bitch.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Fun day planned

After we have woken up a bit more from our late night gab fest last night, we will get ready and head out for a lunch at Sweet Tomatoes (buffet salad restaurant), then head over to the movie theater to see the 3D movie "Fly me to the moon" (Sarah requested this cartoon).

Then we conveniently will have the entire Sarasota mall at our feet, and depending on if some friends to Mari being home, we might eat dinner with them or stay at the mall perhaps.

Tomorrow I have to work in the morning, but then we were thinking about doing some more shopping, and then Ken is taking us all for dinner at the Sandbar at the northwest tip of Anna Maria Island.

It is hard to find a restaurant with better view than this, directly on the Gulf of Mexico.

Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Friday, August 29, 2008

More info about the SWAT incident

SWAT team members pack up after the stand-off Thursday afternoon.

Here is what the local newspaper said this morning about the incident:

A man held off Bradenton officers for nearly an hour during a standoff at his home in the 4600 block of Eighth Avenue East.

The Bradenton Police Department SWAT team as well as patrol officers responded, blocking off the streets to protect residents.

In the information authorities received, the man said he would shoot officers with a rifle. The man, who is in his 50s and lives in the neighborhood, denied making that statement in interviews with police.

Curious neighbors stood outside and others were prevented from getting to their homes.

The call, reporting a man was barricaded inside his home with a firearm, came in at about 4:45 p.m. The man was taken into custody shortly before 6 p.m.

Residents said some of the homes on that street have been foreclosed on.

So it was probably a very stressful time for this family, they were probably about to loose their home. A lot of people bought houses here when the housing boom started four years ago. They got approved for loans way out of their comfort zones, for houses way overpriced. They all usually got the adjustable rates. Now, the rates have been adjusted to a much higher rate, payments have soared. They can't sell the house, because the values are much lower, and they wouldn't get nearly enough to cover the loan...

Thank goodness we bought our house before the boom, at a low price...

Still no payments

I can't freaking believe I have not gotten one single payment, after all the reminders I sent out and the people I talked to, no money for me. There are so many people that owe me, that I should have gotten some money by now. But no.

I have a feeling people are waiting until the end of the month, but still. Don't they know my cousin is here and that I want to go shopping? People???


När Ken kom hem vid sjutiden fanns det inte ett spår av en endaste polisbil, allt var återställt till sitt gamla lugn. Jag har inte hört ett pip på gårkvälls nyheter om något SWAT-team i Bradenton, men det borde ju rimligen dyka upp idag. Det är ju inte varje dag det är SWAT-tems ute på G ens i hela Tampa Bay-området...

Bob har nog varit och ätit av vad-det-nu-är som växer i vår trädgård den här tiden på året. Samma visa. Bob glufsar. Bob skiter. Bob SPYYYYYR.

Igår lyckades han tom med spy under en filt där han låg på en kudde på stolen. Så det var spya på honom, filt, kudde och kuddöverdrag. Till historien hör att jag tvätta alla dessa igår. Inklusive hunden. Så nu blev det snabb-bad för Bobben och ut med rubbet i garaget. Det stank.

Imorse låg Stan längst ner vid fotändan i vår säng, under filten. Då beslutade sig HAN för att spy. I min renbäddade säng...

Som tur längst ner på kanten, så upptorkning av det värsta och sedan sova vidare. Jag tänker INTE tvätta lakan klockan 6 på morgonen...

Mari kom fram 1 timma för sent från Chicago igår. Ett spann ligonsylt hade gått sönder i hennes resväska. Inte kul! Men ett spann överlevde! Jag tror att vi kan rädda alla hennes saker som fick lingon på sig!

Nu ska jag skjutsa Sarah till lekis, Ken är i Largo, uppemot Tampa på fredagar, så han åker så tidigt att han inte kan skjutsa henne, vilket han annars gör varje dag.

Sjuksystern kommer nu på förmiddag med, måste fråga henne om min mage, jag har skitsvårt för att äta nått utan att det gör ont och bränner, som halsbränan fast värre, i magen.

Over and out.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

SWAT in our neighbourhood!

Just got back form swim class. Police cars EVERYWHERE, I counted at least 15-20! People in swarms on out street. Turns out a guy is holding his significant other hostage under gun point two streets down. Our street is the only one in the entire place that is open! They have evacuated people from the streets closer, and a SWAT team is here, along with medical personnel and I don't know what. Media is starting to swarm in, so I am sure we will here the details on the news soon.

Luckily Mari's plane is 45 minutes delayed, since it will take some time to get back out of here...

Weird, in our nice, calm little neighbourhood!

Great teacher

Yesterday I got a call from Sarah's new Kindergarten teacher. I guess because I had mentioned on a form that another language but English was spoken at her home, she wanted to call and ask about it. I said that unfortunately Sarah would not be considered bilingual. We chatted a while about languages and cultures, and she seemed very sharp and up to date with her info. Good to know Sarah is learning from someone who has a grip on the world.

The neighbour never came by yesterday, and she just came by to take the dogs out, very apologetic. She had been stuck in court with her son all day, and she was just so wrapped up in that so she completely forgot. It was not fun walking the dogs myself, I just don't have enough energy for it, especially in this pressing heat!

I am trying to clean as much as I can today, since even if I know my cousin really probably don't care, I do. So I do something, then sit down with a bit of cold sweat.

I am saving my shower for this afternoon, since I have a feeling it will be a very sweaty day. How I am possibly going to sit outside for 30 minutes during swim class is beyond me. Maybe I will stand in the air conditioned lobby and look out the window in the door. I would have to explain to Sarah why and that I am watching her, so she wouldn't be worried. Or I will just have to dress cool, bring something to fan myself and a bottle of cold water. Then change clothes when I get back home. Or, as I am thinking, stay sweaty and just take a shower after we get home. After all, Sarah is going to need a bath anyway after the pool, so I might as well bring her into the master shower, she loves taking a shower in there with me, with a ton of toys...

I made enough spaghetti and meat sauce last night so we can have it today for dinner, so all I have to do is heat myself a plate. We should have enough time. Mari won't land until 7:45 PM, so we don't need to leave until 6:45 PM. Sarah has been begging to come with me. I really would prefer if she stays home and goes to bed in time, since we probably won't be home until 9:30-10 PM, but we will bring her pajamas, ans she can change into it before we leave for home. The car ride home is 45 minutes in the dark, so she will probably fall asleep. We could just carry her into bed. No big deal. She is so excited about Mari coming, so I don't have the heart telling her no.

Now, some lunch then some more cleaning!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Oh my!

My cousin will be here tomorrow night. I talked to her a last time before I see her tomorrow, and I am so happy to get some Swedish company! But now she got me even more excited when she said she is bringing an entire bucket of lingonberries, Swedish Herrgårdsost-cheese, smågodis-candy, and other goodies.

If someone would have told me when I lived in Sweden that I would ever get super excited over a bucket of lingonberries, well, ha ha! But that is worth its weight in gold to me.

I have still not made it to IKEA, but I will for sure in November when I will be in Orlando for a two day conference. I have no theme parks or anything planned for that Saturday after the conference, just a looong visit to IKEA and their food store...

It is gone!

The pick line is out! Not so much luck on getting to let the wound close up, the doctor wants to take a look at it on Tuesday before we do that. But at least one nuisance is out of my life.

I am not allowed to take a shower until tomorrow, since it has to close up a bit first, but hey, it is out!

The energy is definitely coming back slowly, a little bit every day. Still not as it should be, but a start. I am having a hard time eating, think my insides are still a bit sensitive after the surgery, they did after all open up the intestine and the pouch, and I went from mild purees to regular food. Just need to stay off rich and acidic food for a bit, otherwise it really does not feel good to eat. And I like to eat, so that is important.

Going to pick Sarah up in a half hour, was hoping the neighbor would come by to take the dogs out before that.

I was watching Good Morning America this morning, and it was a story about a young woman who had a rare illness that caused growths on her nervous system, and she had to have surgeries since she was rather young. She was deaf on one ear due to one growth. Now she had a growth on her brain stem, and the surgery that would save her life would leave her completely deaf. That sucks. So I am grateful for a medical problem that only rares its ugly head once in a while, and give me a pretty much normal life in between. We should always be happy over what we have.


Yesterday was a busy day for me, considering. I picked Sarah up at 3, then we went to the grocery store, with the help of one of those electrical chairs the Americans are good in providing for people who can't walk well.

After that we got home and got ready for swim class which started at 5 PM. Oh boy! I have never taken her before, and she had a great time, but I was sitting outside in semi-shade for 30 minutes in way over 95F/30C degrees. THAT was not fun when you are weak...

I had to rest up a bit after getting home, then I made Sarah dinner and a casserole for me and Ken. It had crispy bacon and grilled chicken, spices, cream and grated cheese. Pretty good with rice and a salad. The only problem is that my stomach (probably from the antibiotics) has a hard time with food.

After making dinner I was really tired again, but felt pretty good later and played board games with Sarah before putting her to bed.

I was so tired after all that, so at 9:45 PM both Ken and I went to bed. He sure needed it!

Yesterday afternoon I was sitting around hating the arm tubing. It is sore and extremely uncomfortable. Then I had this idea of asking to have it removed, I just can't wait until next Tuesday... So I called, and after the doctor lectured me on how I would have to go though the surgery again to have it implanted if I needed to go back into the hospital, he said he would allow the nurse to take it out today!

That is awesome! Sure will make me feel normal again. She is going to talk to the doctor first, and if he says OK we might also be able to stop packing gauze in the wound, letting it start to close up (face it, a big open hole is not comfortable). That would be the cherry on top, but I am happy just about the tubing. This will make it possible for me to take an actual shower. A shower! Oh how I long for a real shower! I think I would be able to just shower with the bandage and change it after I get out.

Nothing makes you feel like a "whole person" again like a shower...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Cell phone pictures from the hospital

I know I was pretty out of it at times during my hospital stay. For instance, I contacted a dear old friend the other day, because we were suppose to be at a dinner at their house last Sunday. To my surprise she told me I had called her that day and talked to her. I have no whatsoever memory of it!

I also happened to see so photos on my cell phone (mobil) today, that I don't remember taking. They are all pretty fuzzy, but here they are anyway:

Me with the hated nasal gastric tube sucking away fluid from my stomach.

Here you can truly see how huge my stomach got! At least 7 months pregnant size... Glad it is almost normal now!

My view every day; the board with the daily info.

Dinner! Yum-O; pureed canned peaches...

Pretty un-eventful

Good! No surprises or setbacks. Today is just a regular day of recovery. I got Sarah ready for school this morning, then went up to the drive thru pharmacy to pick up some antibiotics that apparently been waiting for me since I got out of the hospital. Usually you get an automated call or email when a prescription is filled. Oh well, good to have some just in case.

Driving is fine I think, which is good since I have to pick up Sarah at 3 Pm and then take her to the YMCA at 5 PM for her swim lesson. Very little walking involved.

I am definitely doing better today. I haven't had any pain for days, no more pain pills needed. I only have discomfort and occasional pain when I get up and down, which is to expect with a hole in your stomach I guess :-)!

I just did IV and wound care, so no more of that needed until tonight. The neighbor should be over in a few hours to take the dogs out. I have been working on my accounts receivables. It seems like people are very slow on paying my invoices... I should have had lots of payments roll in from all the work I did in June and July by now. We will see what Mr. Mailman brings; he just dropped off the mail. Irritating when I have bills to pay, and this money (from several businesses) should have been in my bank account by now.

I have a hair appointment on Thursday that I was planning on really enjoying, but not unless I get paid here soon! One of the drawbacks of being a freelancer; you never know when you will get paid! 30 days from invoicing is the norm, but many businesses are struggling and have payment terms up to 45, 60 and even 90 days!

I have been eating meat and boiled eggs every day, hoping that the protein will help. I lost a bit of weight the last month, about 13 lbs/7 kilos, so I am sure that also contributes to the weakness. At least one benefit of all this crap, now I can fit into my jeans again, I gained a lot (20 lbs/9 kilos) after last year's surgery, since my body was able to take up nutrients again. Now I am back to my 133 lbs, which feels good for me at 5 feet 8 (173 cm).

I did a small job yesterday, $40 for 15 minutes of work. Felt nice to use my brain again. I have a feeling I will be fit for fight in a week! Looking forward to some shopping with my cousin!

Monday, August 25, 2008

Picked Sarah up at school

Everything went just fine picking Sarah up at school, no problem driving at all. My head is all clear, I just get dizzy and lightheaded when I walk. But I wouldn't want to drive anywhere longer today. I hope I will be OK to drive to and from Tampa on Thursday night to pick up Mari at the airport, but I think that will be OK, especially with me driving to school every day up until then.

I small milestone. Oh, and I actually managed to wash my hair today, that felt great!

I asked for some help...

I finally decided it was ridiculous trying to walk the dogs when I keep blacking out, so I called me next door neighbor and asked her to walk the dogs. She thought I had family over, so she hadn't want to bother me, but she was over with her little grand daughter in 2 minutes, and the dogs, men and everyone are now happy!

Don't look at this if you easily get queesy...

The new nurse (had weekend nurse, now got to meet my case manager) just left. Everything looks OK with the wound. She is concerned that my fast heart rate (13o) is contributing to making me feel weak and dizzy, so she is trying to get me a medication to lower my heart rate. I have always been slightly tachycardic (fast heart rate), but when I am sick or in pain it goes up a lot. I had to wear a heart rate monitor in the hospital, and every time the heart rate went above 120 they would come in and inject something to lower it. I don't have that luxury at home, but I think I need something. It is kind of like always jogging, having your heart rate that high. It wears on you for sure.

Someone requested a picture of the hole, so here it is. Yuck.

I feel a bit less weak today, so I am hoping that is a good sign. But it is tough. I am planning on picking Sarah up from school at 3:05 PM. I think I should be OK for that 5 minute ride, as long as I am sitting down.

Ken had over 80 applicants for the full time staff accountant position. Out of those that look good enough on paper to test, only 2 passed the skill test they have to do. That is scary. He so desperately needs help now! He has another interview today (that is why I have to pick up Sarah), and this person sounds very promising. Ken had a very upset stomach last night and just feeling really bad, all the stress is getting to him. He has so much work, but only himself to do it. He hopes he can get someone to start next week! At least he has his administrative assistant, but she can't do bookkeeping and tax returns... If he can get help, I can get my husband back, so lets keep our fingers crossed!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Not fun

The arm pick line and the new extra long extensions wrapped around my arm.

My own wound dressing, covering the nasty "'hole".

Yesterday was an OK day, I mean, it was what you can expect after just coming home from the hospital. The home care nurse came by, showed me how to properly change the dressing on "the hole", as I call the wound. It is a big ole hole after all, about 4-5 centimeters long. It is nasty, and I hate changing the dressings. You have to be very careful with cleanliness, cleaning your hands with special cleaner, then wearing gloves, taking off the old dressing (gross), then using a special sterile solution in a bottle to spray into the wound, flushing it, then wetting a small gauze pad and inserting one edge into the hole, leaving the rest packed on top, then putting a larger gauze pad on top, and then taping it secure. It is my old C-section, so it is really far down, and in an awkward position.

It burns and stings and is just allover very uncomfortable, making laying down or any kind of movement suck. (Goodbye sleep).

Ken is in a work situation right now, trying to hire people, but being more than too busy, so he has to work 7 days a week, 12 hour days. So that leaves me pretty much on my own with a 5 year old and 2 dogs. I am not suppose to drive for 2 weeks, but I have a feeling that will have to be broken this week, or I will stress out too much.

Ken went by the grocery store last night, and I had emailed him an extremely specific list, since he suck at getting the right stuff. Of course, the majority of the stuff was NOT what I had asked for, but I am suppose to not say anything, or he gets mad at me for complaining... Just want to pull my hair out! There is a REASON the list is specific, like, our daughter doesn't like all beef hot dog, so now you wasted your money buying them! (And of course, he thinks I make her not like them, just because I don't like all beef hot dogs too...) Arrrgh!

This morning the chipper nurse called and woke me up (on a Sunday morning) "I will be there in an hour"... So I got myself up and actually managed to wash my entire body (can't get stomach or right arm bandage wet). I even put on some perfume, and felt decent for the first time in like ever!

Then I noticed I felt feeble. Just no energy. Blah. Dizzy. So I tried to eat some yogurt, drink some. Nothing. The nurse came and installed extension tubing on my arm thingy, so I can flush and inject heparin myself every day.

So now I have MORE bulky shit on my arm all tucked into my arm "sleeve" making it uncomfortable. She was concerned about the wound, it had a green tinge to the drainage, so she called the doctor. I am to monitor my body temp, and call tomorrow. Suuuurrreee..... I am NOT going to any freaking hospital. She was a bit concerned with my feebleness, (I am talking tiredness and light headiness enough that you have to rest your head on the kitchen table while you are talking to the nurse.)

I walked the dogs. I tried not to faint. It was all black and my head was spinning around, I just walked in blindness around the house, I just had to get it done. Then Sarah had to lead me to the couch, and it took at least an hour before the cold sweat stopped each time. This sucks so bad. I am so irritated and done with this. My mind is all back, I am ready to just go on living. But the energy is gone. I just don't get it. The nurse instructed me that the WHO had done a researched that suggested that vitamin C had shown as effective as certain antibiotics in aiding in wound healing, so I got "prescribed" to drink orange juice and take my multivitamins, which I did.

The only reason i am sitting here right now is that I caved in and took a pain pill (she wanted me to), but I am trying to wean myself off of them, they kind of scare me, being morphine derivatives (oxycodone) and all. But they sure perk you up! yay for Percocet! And I had to turn Sarah's computer off anyway after her playing games all afternoon, and I had to pay a bill. So here I am.

And now I have spewed all my irritation and disappointment and can go back to my couch to rest :-)! It is just tough. And I feel like I am doing this all by myself. No help. Sucky husband, although I KNOW he cares and feels for me. But I just want to cry. Shit, now the water works started. Oh, you guys know. I stay positive all the time. I believe in that, it really helps. But sometimes you got to crack just a little and feel sorry for yourself. Well, at least I smell good today! Take care.

Friday, August 22, 2008


Just wanted to post a very quick update, I just walked in the door! I was sooo relieved to find out that there was no infection, but "just" a large blood clot sitting in the stomach wanting out. I got to my surgeant's office as soon as they opened, and he was not so concerned as I was. I pretty much thought I was toast!

He proceeded by opening up a couple of the staples, putting his fingers inside my stomach, and pulling out long strings of old blood. Then he packed the entire thing full of gauze and sent me up to a room. I was in chock, I would have been chocked just watching that on TV, but seeing someone doing that to your own stomach was more than freaky!

I just feel so relieved and the huge pain I had is gone! Now it is just burning and stinging. They left the hole open, and a nurse will come to my house and care for the wound for a while. They took the rest of the staples out as well, but that part of the wound is nice and close.

Plus, they had no luck finding a vein on me, so many people tried, and after many, many blown veins they finally gave up and had a pick line implanted on my again. That is a central line that goes from your upper arm all the way into your chest cavity. It will stay in place for a couple of weeks, since he is not 100 % convinced I will stay out of the hospital, and that way I don't have to go though the whole procedure again, it is a like a mini surgery. The home care nurse will take care of the pick line as well, it needs to be flushed with saline regularly so it won't clot.

I am tired but feel really good, the worst is over, and I feel like I am really done with being sick. :-)! I am ready for some Swedish visitors and some fun. I think the weekend will be just all I need to rest, I just feel really rejuvenated after this hospital stay, I slept 9½ hours last night, that felt good, and I have nothing to worry about anymore.

Now I am going to have some REAL food with my family. (No more purees, yeay!)

Have a great wonderful weekend all of you! I appreciate all of your concerns and well wishes, it really helps, actually! Thank you all!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Scariest moment in my life!

Just a quick note.(Sending this as an email to friends and family too). I just came back from the Emergency Room. As many of you already knew, I wasn’t quite feeling like I should after I got out of the hospital on Sunday, and that what all culminating in last night’s events.

After a very painful day, I decided to take a shower after Ken came home. That way, if I fainted or something, he would be here. Well, I ended calling for his help, but not for that reason.

All of a sudden, in the middle of the shower, my incisions opened up and blood started gushing out like a water fall. It was the single most scary thing that has ever happened to me ever, and when Ken came in he just acted like a chicken with its head off, had no clue what to do, completely freaking out, so we had no choice but to call an ambulance, there was just so much blood all over. It soaked through two towels by the time they finally got here.

I just got out of the ER, they pretty much kicked me out. I have a severe abdominal infection, and I will need to go back to the St Anthony’s Hospital in St Petersburg again ASAP. The ER said no other doctor will even touch me due to the law suits that could happen, so I have no choice. I am right now trying to get a hold of them at 4:30 AM to ensure I can go straight up to the department. I have just no energy left to deal with having to go though that hospital’s ER first, that would be hours of agony. I am in a lot of pain, but working all of adrenaline now, I am just too scared.

So just to give everyone an idea of what is going on. I will try to update the blog as soon as I get computer access, but I don’t know when. When I get assigned a phone number I can have Ken e-mail that to someone and then you can pass it around if you feel like calling, it is expensive, but it really helps me feel better, if anyone in Sweden would be so kind.

Love you all, keep your fingers crossed,


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I have had a few surgeries and stuff now. This is by far the hardest to recover from. I have never required more than one pain pill in 24 hours ever. This is so painful that I am watching the clock to see if I can take another one. And at night! Oh shit! I have never taken a pain pill at night, since they tend to keep me awake, but I had to take one every 3 hours! I tried first without, and I had a horrible nightmare about a guy chasing me in a hotel, catching me and injecting painful substances!

This thing is not to play around with, that is for sure.

The hurricane decided to completely spare us, so all we have is a little wind and rain. Ken went to work (oh how I wish he could have stayed home and cared for me...), but Sarah and I will have a nice "hurricane day".

By the way, she was SO helpful yesterday! I could for my life not find a comfortable spot to sit/lay on the couch, it felt like knives piercing me. So when I found a somewhat stable position, I wasn't going to give it up in the first time. Sarah helped me get things, like a straw for my drink, the remote or the phone, she even managed to carry out a bit more complicated orders, like can you get me my nail file that is in the shimmery purple bag inside the clothes at the bottom of my blue bag on the left side of the inside of the bedroom. Not even Ken would have found that!

But she had the best advice, I would scream out in pain often and she would calmly say: "slow and steady". That came from her own head, nobody else has said that! And this morning when she was watching a movie I was getting up from bed, and I screamed really loud, and she screamed back "remember, slooow". Too cute really! She doesn't get upset or scared, she is wise beyond her years...

I noticed a lost a few pounds the last couple of days, I hope that means the stomach is getting smaller, It feels softer, so I hope so. I have not been eating very much, but healthy things, like eggs for lunch and chicken soup for dinner. I feel very weak and cold sweaty, so it must still be in the recovery phase. It really sucks, I wish I could have someone here to help me, just with the small stuff like taking the dogs out and preparing meals. But Ken is working 12 hour days, so I am on my own (well, Sarah IS a great help!)

Monday, August 18, 2008

At home

Coming home was a chock in more than one way. First, the stank that hit me upon entering the house was awful! The dogs have understandable pissed inside when being left along for 11 hours every day, but Ken assured me that he had cleaned up. Well, his way of cleaning up meant mopping with a mop. The stink was BAD. So as soon as he left to go back for work (yes, on a Sunday), I had to do something. No way I would be able to relax... First I wiped with disinfection wipes, then I steamed mop. Weird, huh, how the smell instantly disappeared!

Ken told me they had pissed on the side of the bed, so naturally I had to wash all the bed sheets. No way I was sleeping in that. Then I vacuum the entire house and steamed mopped the kitchen, plus cleaned and put dishes in the dishwasher. It was just too nasty!

I think all of this took 2 hours, and I think I did all of it on adrenaline alone! Of course I shouldn't have done any of it, but you know how it is...

The first thing that hit me at home is how much my stomach hurts! I barely got a wink of sleep, it felt like sleeping with an 8 month pregnant belly with some evil baby inside trying its best to make sure you are in pain. Thank goodness for the little white pills they sent with me home, I have a feeling I will need them for a few days.

Anyway, it was all worth it. I got to see off a very excited Sarah to her first day of Kindergarten this morning!

She felt like such a big girl! They had arranged for all Kindergartners to wear a special paw print necklace (the school mascot is a bob cat), and then parents had to drop them off at the front door, so there would be minimal tears. But no tears for Sarah, so was just so excited, wearing her Hanna Montana backpack she picked out.

This first week will be all short days ending at noon, to ease them into the new routine, then she will go until 3:05 PM every day except Wednesdays when they will have early out at 1:15 PM.

But I doubt there will be any school tomorrow, considering our county is under mandatory evacuation already for all mobile homes, and voluntary evacuation so far for every one else. Sarah's school is suppose to open already at noon today as a shelter for the evacuees, so there is just no way there can be school tomorrow. And it doesn't look good for us regarding the projected path. At least it is good to be home with me family. We have plenty of water and flashlights, propane for the grill, but no hurricane food supplies... Hopefully we will have minimal damage.

Oh, and another thing I forgot to mention, I got a bed soar from the hospital! I thought that was stuff only old people got, but apparently not so. It was just where the tie of the hospital gown was, so that much have chafed on the skin.

Now I am going to lay down and REST! Great to be home...

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Operation Discharge

I was so sad and mad yesterday, but this morning I came up with a plan, trying to enusre I can go home today. I put on a very happy face, walked around in the corridors like it didn't bother me at all, and when the doctor finally did his round (I swear he looks like a goat!), I put on the charm big time. I pleaded that I could basically do what I am doing here, at home.

He wants me to see a cardiologist regarding my super fast heart beat proble, but he won't be in until tomorrow. I promised I would contact a cardiologist on my own (I will, I promise!)

He scratched his (goat) beard and said that well, you know, you won't have access to the same pain relife at home. That is abiggie, since it really HURT! I said I would be fine with presciption pain killers. I alsa have to puree my food (I will just eat yogurt instead), and he wanted me to have an EKG right away. But if I thought I could handle it, and if I PROMISED to call immediatly if I get severe pain or any type of nausea, well... OK. YES! SCORE!

I just did the EKG, but the discharge process is looooong, so I don't expect to be able to leave until the afternoon. I am a bit scared, since my groteskly large belly is an entity in itself right now. I am going to have to be super careful with food until it stabilize. And poor Ken is goingt to have to drive Sarah to and from school all week (school ends at noon the first week). BUT. I get to be there to wave her off on her very first school day! That is sooo worth it for me. But I am a bit scared I will mess something up and end up back in here. But lets not think about that...

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Tack alla!

Har precis haft chans att lasa alla underbara kommentarer! Det uppskattas verkligen, tack sa mycket. Aven om jag ar fast har annu sa kanns det ju inte sa isolerat nu nar jag har en dator till hands!

Kram alla!

And the great news keeps coming!

Fey and her projected Cone of Death. Checkout for current real time updates.

Just watching the news after enjoying me wonderful dinner for people on "blockage" alert: pureed hamburger meat cooked as a "burger" with pureed beans. Yum.

Anyway. Heard about Fey yet? Well, it seems to be the first hurricane of the year to threathen Florida. It all depends on how Cuba can wear her out or not, but the current expextations (updated every so often) is that the "Cone of Death" (that is what we call the gray area where the hurricane is most likely to hit) is right over Florida. (But they do't call it that in the media, they call it the "Cone of Uncertanty".) With its center pretty much smack right over were we live... Governer Crist has declared a state of emergency for Florida, and evacuation plans are already being activated.

As for now it is believed to reach a Category 1 or 2, with sustained winds of up to 85 miles per hour. (That is potentially about 137 km an hour).

So I better get to go home tomorrow night. We need to get emergency supplies and get our hurricane shutters ready. Our house can easily handle up to a categroy 3 with the hurricane protection upgrades we have added over the years, so no evacuation needed. But still. Not exactly what you want to deal with when you just have come home from the hospital. Or God forbid, I won't get to go home and have to stay here!

Another hospital update

Wow, I sound like a drunk redneck in the last post, but I was pretty out of it! I am still here. I was suppose to go home today, but then I started having pain again, and an x-ray and CT-scan later it was deemed likely that I already had or might develop another blockage. So they want to keep me for a few more days, pump me full with fluids and keep an eye on me.

My bowels are still super swollen, and I look at least 7 months pregnant, freaky shit! It will apparently take several weeks before the swelling goes down. People will really wonder when they see me!

No more nasal tube or foley katheter. Thel alslo let me eat soewhat normal food now, though I get full after a few bites since there is no room in my gigantic belly for anything but intestines right now...

I have to wear a heart monitor at all times, since my pulse tend to really speed up when my body is under stress or pain, and every time it gets over 130 they come in and give me a shot to calm it down. It often reaches as high as 150!

Last night I was so miserable when I found out I couldn't go home yet. On top of that they forgot to give me a sheet and blanket, and I was tired of having to call for a nurse every time I needed something. Plus, some times it can take up to 3 hours until you get help! But that is not the norm, only when it gets super crazy busy qaround here. But that is still not fun when you deseperatly are waiting for some pain meds, crying in pain.

My doctor is not here over the weekend, and I am sure he would have let me go home! He knows how important it is for me to see Sarah's first day in school. Now I will most likely only see that in pictures.

There was a lot of drama here last night, one patient was a Baker's Act patient, meaning she was involuntarily admitted. She had surgery and then she was sent of to psych. She kept doing all kinds of crazy stuff, like calling the police! (Britney Spears was Baker Acted). I feel for the patient's husband, they are both in their 80s!

Now, thanks to Ken leaving me the laptop, I am going to watch some Swedish TV.

I will try to have the computer on during the days, if any friends or family want to chat via MSN Live.

Take care!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Hospital update

This might weird since Iam very weak and vey high. Afterstartin yo throw up a lot on Tuesday I wnt to the eR, WHere I was x-rayed and had a ct-scan. They had unfortunatly nevr heard of a J-pouch, so I was very sceptical when they sent me hom with the "summer flue".

That nigt i didn't sleep at all tha pain was horredous and it looked like I was 8 months pregnant. PAIN, PAIN PAIN.

Then I started to throw up again, but this time it wasn't yellowish green bile as befor, but it looked like diarreadh ( dound out later that ia was indeed bowel content, disgusting. And would throe up a liter at a time. I knew I need help badly so I called my stomaxh suregnts office and was in there within an hour.

Turs out I have a vey severe bowel obstructin right at the opening of the J/pouch, and he gave ma a 50-50 % chans that they could clear it out without surgey.

So all week I have been hooked up to a nasal suction machine that is sucking out bowel sobtebts, but ut was not enough. I am having surgery to fix it tomoroww. I am in so much pain and I am really misearble. There might be abother weeo ofgetting better after surgery here in the hospital. I can barelt talk with all teh tubes and I AM VERY WEEK. just wanted to let you knowwhat is going on.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Ok we are going to the hospital. I will update when I can.


We are on standby right now to see how things develop. I just puked really bad, and normally with an intestinal blockage that is your sign to head for the hospital. Last time I feel better after a few hours, so I am waiting to see.

So, so , so painful, not fun. I am cold sweating and just really just trying to get through this. I DO NOT want to end up in the hospital. No way.


I woke up with an intestinal clog this morning. Must be the whole oats from last night! It hurts so bad, and I really need to work. There is nothing I can really do except not eat, drink lots of hot tea and water and ... wait. Sucks.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Swedish delight

Sarah and I was in the mood for Swedish chocolate balls, which is something all Swedes grew up eating. They have whole oats, sugar, cacao, vanilla, butter and coffee/water in them. You roll them in either dried coconut flakes or pearl sugar. This version got rolled in pearl sugar. Yum!

I also made some salsa, since jalapenos have been gone from the grocery stores here for a while due to the salmonella scare, and I have really been craving some salsa...

Brotherly love

Though not actually not related, our dogs are of the same breed, both miniature pinschers. But the similarities stop there. They are like night and day, very different personalities. Bob (red) lives for food, and Stan (black) lives for love.

But today I caught them in a rare affectionate moment, where they seemed to really give each other a brotherly kiss. Cute!

Gammal goding

Höll just på att ladda lite musik på min MP3-spelare, och snubblade över Lisa Nilssons gamla "Himlen runt hörnet". Gud vilka gamla minnen som vällde upp när jag hörde den! Jag fick rysning över hela kroppen. Tänk att en låt kan vara så starkt förknippad med känslor.

Jag kommer inte ihåg de exakta detaljerna om hur mitt liv var just när den här sången spelades (sönder) i Sverige, men året var 1992 och jag var 18 år och gick andra året på ekonomiska linjen på gymnasiet.

Jag hade ingen kille, men var kär, och jag kommer ihåg hur det bubblade av fjärilar i magen när han och jag gick tillsammans med våra cyklar från busstationen på söndagskvällarna, när vi båda hade varit hemma hos våra respektive familjer över helgen, och nu var vi på väg tillbaka till våra respektive inackorderingsrum i Visby.

Vi båda bodde så pass lång från gymnasieskolan att vi fick inackorderingstillägg. Så i princip åkte man bara hem över helgerna för att tvätta. Han var väldigt seg, fattade aldrig att jag var kär i honom! Det var en härligt oskuldsfull tid som jag kan läsa och skratta om från mina gamla dagböcker (innan bloggandets tid!)


More work this week! I really didn't do much this weekend. Ken had to work both days, so Sarah and I went out and had some fun Saturday. We went to the movies and saw Space Chimps, it was a lot better than what I had expected, actually! So our lunch was popcorn and soda, not so good, but fun! We also picked up the last few items for Kindergarten, so we are all done in that department.

Then I just did nothing the rest of the day. Sunday was cleaning day, so I mostly did laundry, then cleaned the kitchen and made some pretty awesome Schezuan chicken for dinner.

Since Sarah has to wear a uniform for school, I wanted to get her the most comfortable items I could find. Most uniform clothing you find in stores are made mostly of polyester, and that just isn't a great idea in warm Florida.

The uniform rule at her school is bottoms like shorts, skorts, capris or regular pants, so I got that in different shades of the approved khaki and navy. All in 100 percent cotton. Then the tops has to be collard polo shirts in garnet, navy, hunter green or light yellow, (no branding on the outside) and that can be kind of warm here. Finally I was able to find great quality cotton once in a mesh material from Land's End, they are known for their great quality. Their polos come in all kinds of forms, the once I got Sarah were not just a more airy cotton, they were also a more girly cut, not so boxy but more slim fitting.

Great places for 100 % cotton uniform bottoms are Gymboree, Old Navy and GAP, but online in their online stores.

So now she is set for school. I was a little emotional hanging up her freshly laundered uniform shirts, she is getting so big so fast!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

So soon!

In two weeks Sarah will start Kindergarten! Help, where did all that time go?

Sarah today, a big kid girl for sure!

Sarah and I sleeping, she is barely 2 ½ weeks old, and I am exhausted from constant nursing and minimal sleep. We were just starting to get into a rhythm of eating and sleeping, thank goodness! She still prefer to sleep right next to me rather than in her own bed...

Friday, August 1, 2008

Who had a paw in this?

I just got back from a power walk (no dogs allowed, since they stop and sniff every 2 seconds...)

Well, let me just say that I think someone had a paw in trying to get up on the kitchen island...

Stan admiring his handy work

Or maybe it was just fun seeing all that kitchen paper on the floor!