Friday, December 21, 2007

Thank you very much...

This morning we got a scary surprise...

Sarah had crawled into our bed around 4:30 AM, and just after 5 she was wiggling around a lot, so I tried to wake her to ask if she needed to go to the bathroom, she can have a hard time waking up when she needs to go sometimes. All of a sudden she started to throw up all over herself, I quickly grabbed her, got the lights on and then I saw it: she was covered in BLOOD!

She was throwing up so much blood I almost froze in fear! Ken and I panicked and rushed her into the bathroom... where in the very bright light I could see it was... the blueberries she ate last night that had come up...

Whew that was a huge relief! You can only imagine what was racing through my mind, and Ken admitted he thought she was pretty much a gonner!

So she got herself a very early morning bath and no school. She is so sad she is missing the school Christmas party today! But with all that puking, diarrhea and a high fever, I don't think the other parents would appreciate her attendance that much... :-) Since she is missing out on the Christmas present exchange in school, Santa left a small Christmas present for her to open here at home instead. It did the trick, no more whining about wanting to go to school...

So it is JUST a case of the dreaded stomach "flu", or as it is widely known in Sweden: "vinterkräksjukan". Merry Christmas to us! She obviously got it from the neighbor's grandkids when we were there the other day... If I would have known they were sick I would not have let Sarah touch anything in there, but the situation was a little frantic, so that didn't come up until AFTER Sarah and I had been there for awhile. Touching all the toys that the kids had been pretty much vomiting around for a few days... Lovely! Hopefully she will feel better before Christmas Day, and hopefully Ken and I won't get it and puke on the Christmas ham or something...


JaCal said...

Oh, no! Poor Sarah! And gosh, you must have been so scared! You know what - my Daughter had the exact same thing... she was screaming like crazy in her room at night 1,5 weeks ago, I ran in to find her covered in what I thought initially was blood... she also had blueberries... Stomach flu big time (and I got it too pretty bad). She only missed the rehearsals of her Christmas show, but actually made it to the party. Refused to have anything to do with Santa however...

I sure hope you'll make it... here the son went down first, then the Daughter, then the Husband and lastly I... Our first stint with stomach flu and it was not a nice sight...

Desiree said...

Åh nej, stackars er. Tur att det bara var blåbär. Jag förstår att du måste blivit jätterädd. Jag hoppas verkligen att ni klarar er men det är ju tyvärr väldigt smittsamt. Jag önskar er iallfall en GOD JUL och hoppas att ni får vara krya på själva christmasday.

S w e F l o said...

JaCal, how long did yours last approximately? It seems this has an incubation time of about 2 days, so it is not looking good for me and my husband, but oh well. Hopefully Sarah will feel better by Tuesday at least!

Helén said...

Å fy, jag kan riktigt känna paniken!! Sååå rädd man skulle bli!! Tur ändå att det "bara" var magsjuka... Hoppas ni får en skön jul trots allt! :)

JaCal said...

Actually, it was a pretty long one for the Daughter and a quick one to spread... let's see, Jenny threw up first on Thursday afternoon and she was still throwing up on Sunday and Monday. The Husband got sick on Friday and I came back from Sweden on Saturday night and I went down on Tuesday... For all of us the diarrhea was the worst part (sorry for details).

She will probably we out of the woods by Monday and Tuesday - but the prognosis might be a bit dark for you... wash your hands, use another bathroom and drink whiskey...

OH, poor Sarah - I hope she feels better soon!

S w e F l o said...

Yikes! Det låter inte lovande! Jag frågade grannen hur länge de var sjuka, och hon sa att det bara hade varat 24 timmar för dem, och de hade ingen feber heller. Så det kanske inte är samma som de har... Sarah har haft hög feber hela dagen, stackaren! Ingen vidare timing, men det är ju inget man kan göra åt nu. Hon har ingen diarre ännu, men var lite konstig i magen i morse. Som tur är har hon inget emot att dricka vatten... Man blir ju så glad precis lagom till jul... !