Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Great idea for couples?

I just had a great idea! Why do not couples wear MOOD RINGS instead of regular rings? That way, the significant others will always know each others moods, no more guessing...

But does mood rings really work?

Well a mood ring is really made out of hollow quartz or glass shell containing thermotropic liquid crystals. Modern mood jewelry is usually made from a flat strip of liquid crystals with a protective coating.

The crystals respond to changes in temperature by twisting. The twisting changes their molecular structure, which alters the wavelengths of light that are absorbed or reflected. 'Wavelengths of light' is another way of saying 'color', so when the temperature of the liquid crystals changes, so does their color.

Mood rings can't actually tell your emotional state with any degree of accuracy, but the crystals are calibrated to having a pleasing blue or green color at the average person's normal resting peripheral temperature of 82°F (28°C).

As peripheral body temperature increases, which it does in response to passion and happiness, the crystals twist to reflect blue.

When you are excited or stressed, blood flow is directed away from the skin and more toward the internal organs, cooling the fingers, causing the crystals to twist the other direction, to reflect more yellow.

In cold weather, or if the ring was damaged, the stone would be dark gray or black and unresponsive.

So not completely a bad idea, it actually have some merit...

What the Mood Ring Colors Mean

The top of the list is the warmest temperature, at violet, moving to the coolest temperature, at black.
• violet blue - happy, romantic
• blue - calm, relaxed
• green - average, not much going on with you
• yellow/amber - tense, excited
• brown/gray - nervous, anxious
• black - cold temperature or damaged ring

So I am right now average, perhaps a little bit relaxed... Maybe something to get each other fo ryour next anniversary, hmmm?

1 comment:

Saltistjejen said...

Haha! Kanske vore super ifall det fungerar ok?!
Finns ingen kvinnlig specialvariant som visar när man har pms??? ;-)