We had a nice Father's Day here yesterday with good food and just a bit of relaxing. We didn't make it to the beach since Sarah cut herself a little at the pool on Saturday, so it might have stung too much in the salt water.
The poor kid had a pretty unlucky day: after we went to the movies Saturday night and we were in the car on our way home, she started complaining that her back hurt. She said it felt like something bit her. Ken and I thought she was just whining, so we were not exactly very sympathetic to her. Turns out she had sat on a bee that stung her back! Ahh! :-)
I did the mistake of starting a new (very good) book on my Sony Reader yesterday afternoon. When I read a good book, I just have to read it to the end right away. Not a good thing when you have a lot of work to do the next day and the book is almost 1000 pages...
So I am going to contain myself and not read until this afternoon...
This week will be mostly work and more work. I am also migrating to a new accounting/bookkeeping system, so I am sure that will take some time. Luckily one of Ken's employees have been assign to set the basics up, which means I don't have to enter in all the super boring stuff, which I am very thankful off.
Next week we are leaving for DC on Thursday, and Sarah has the entire week off from camp. Perhaps we can squeeze in a few pool visits, if I can get this job finished that is (but it is going super well, so I hope to be done this week).
Now, off to work...
Aj då stackars liten Sarah som blivit stucken. Aj aj. Jag blev stucken av en geting förra sommaren i rumpan då jag satte mig på den. Det gjorde himla ont ett bra tag. Låter härligt att ni snart ska till DC och ha lite skön och mysig semester.
Ha en bra måndag.
Men stackars Sarah! Hoppas det onda går över fort, jag vet att det gör jätteont!
Min e-reader har gått sönder : ( Jag tappade den i golvet : (
Lycka till med arbetet!
Nyfiken på vad det är för bra bok du läser!
Jag har ganska bred smak vad gäller böcker, och just denna kanske inte faller alla på läppen, den heter Daemon och är en jättespännande dator deckare i princip. Författaren heter Daniel Suarez. Jag är lite av en datanörd, så den var riktigt bra (läste klart imorse). Tyvärr har jag nu en annan bok av Micheal Palmer som ligge roch väntar på Sonyn, så vi får se hur det går...
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