Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Last night, for no apparent reason it seemed, Bob started to have another vomiting session again. He was up pretty much all night being sick.

This morning I called the vet, and even though they did not have any appointments until next week, they allowed us to squeeze in between scheduled patients.

The vet took a comprehensive blood test that will test pretty much all his organ function. We should also be able to see if there is any indication of cancer in form of greatly elevated white blood cells, or signs that it might just be an infection of some sort.

The vet also gave him a shot of anti-nausea medication, two different types of antibiotics to start (in case it is indeed an infection), and orders not to eat any food today, and then eat a special prescription diet of soft food for two days.

He has to take some pretty big (no,HUGE) pills, so I also got something called pill pockets, essential a treat with a little pocket for a pill, to make taking the medicine easier.

The vet will call back with the results after 6 PM tonight or tomorrow night (think he said tomorrow night), and then we will take it form there.

Poor little Bob!

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