Thursday, November 15, 2007

Elfin cream

As you know I have been on a lot of antibiotics this fall. One problem that I have been trying to resolve has been a (even after several weeks of being off antibiotics) fungal skin infection. It is just so irritating! It is on my shoulders and upper torso and neck. Just a little dry and itchy feeling. I have tried what I can to get rid of it. It is common with people like me who has an abnormal immune system like lupus to have these kind of infections, so it is not my first time!

But yesterday I was tired of this irritating thing so I called my doctor. Luckily we have a really good relationship after almost 10 years together, so I can often resolve issues over the phone without having to come in and see him. He knows me and my medical history very well! So they called in a combination steroid/fungal cream. To be used twice daily for two weeks.

That is good and all, until I picked up the medicine and saw the package. They gotta be kidding! The container is as big as my thumb! That will last me, oh I don't know, two days maybe! It came with 5 refills, so I guess I am just suppose to refill it every other day? A joke!


Mari Berggren said...

Vad drygt. de måste ju har koll på hur länge en sån där salva räcker. Man vill ju inte åka till "apoteket" varje dag...
hoppas allt är lugnt annars.
Visst har du raderat dig från facebook? eller har du bara "dumpat" mig som vän?
vi hörs.

Desiree said...

Trist att förpackningen var så liten. Hoppas det finns en större variant. Man orkar ju inte åka till apoteket var och varannan dag.

Annika said...

Trist..hur kul är det att åka till "druggen" varje dag då?? Usch...
Så du har också lämnat facebook? Förstår dig fullt ut...