Monday, November 12, 2007

Veteran's Day

Veteran's Day was really yesterday, but today is a holiday and a lot of businesses are closed. Schools are open and for us it is a regular day.

Ken, as you might now, did his military service for a few years abroad. He was in the military just before the first Gulf War and I would say he was very lucky dodging deployment to the Middle East with just weeks!

He mainly joined the armed forces to further his education, and it had a large part in helping him get his Master's Degree and becoming a CPA.

He was stationed in Germany and did not see much action there, but he did give up a few years of his life for his country. I don't think I would do that myself... so thanks! To all of you who has done the same. I do not believe in the current war at all, and I think there are other ways to solve problems (speaking as the true Swede I am ), but I do recognize the sacrifice veterans have done for their fellow citizens to endure their freedom.

Veteran's Day started on the first anniversary of the end of the First World War, and later became a nationally recognized holiday. It is a day to reflect on things we often take as a given, but in fact is not. I have never lived in a country where I cannot speak my mind or feel safe, so it is hard to imagine. But it is too common for a lot of people all over the world.

Hope you all will have a great week!


nika said...

Instämmer i det du skriver. Klart att veteranerna ska ha en eloge för sin insats.
Ha en skön vecka

Lullun said...

Och jag instämmer även jag. Man ska deffinitivt inte glömma bort dem som verkligen kämpade i de diverse krigen, oberoende om man är enig eller inte i det att kriget startades. Men ja, det nuvarande, det är bara för galet. Helt enig!

Desiree said...

Interessant att få höra lite historia om Veteransday. Tur att din make slapp vara med i gulfkriget eller något annat krig. Jag har sett dem som står på flygplatsen och är på väg att skickas till mellanöstern. De ser så unga ut. Måste vara oerhört jobbigt och svårt att säga hejdå till någon som ska åka iväg i krig och inte veta om man någonsin kommer att få återse dem eller i vilket skick det kommer tillbaka.