Tuesday, December 14, 2010


This morning I dropped my car off at our car repair place.

While I am waiting they are changing the oil, chainging filters and what nots.

As if that is not boring enough, when they are done I will drive over to Ken's office, switch cars, then go back and do it all over, plus they are installing a new battery in his car as well.

So not a very exciting morning...

Over night we set new cold records, we had a hard freeze and tonight it is going to be even colder!

Glad I took out a super warm Swedish down comforter for Sarah, she stayed warm and toasty last night...
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1 comment:

Desiree said...

Ja det lät inte så kul att sitta och vänta först på en bil och sedan den andra. Oj så kallt ni fått. Du får väl passa på att njuta av kylan för det är ju inte så ofta ni får sådan.
Jag antar att det kanske bättrar på julkänslorna ännu mer :-)