Sunday, July 18, 2010

Busy as usual

We got some stuff going on here, we are in the process of buying a house, hold your horses though, it is not a house for us to live in... we are buying an investment property, a smaller house that we will rent out. Our first renter will be Ken's daughter and her boyfriend, moving in as soon as we close on the house.

Our first offer on the house was rejected, and we will see if they accept our counter offer (hopefully tomorrow). Otherwise, we have two backup houses waiting... It is so much easier to buy this type of house, since it is cheap and therefore a cash transaction and thus, no meddling with a loan and all that paperwork.

The house prices have fallen to about a quarter of what they were just 1½ years a go in the area around our local university, and it happens to be a prime area for rentals, so we are every pleased with this decision. And of course very happy that Ken's daughter decided after all to come down here and work and go to school!

This weekend have otherwise gone in the sign of SHOPPING! Sarah and I managed to completely fill the car at IKEA yesterday, I just love getting to decorate and help Ken's daughter getting situated. They are not bringing much at all down here (actually, they are already in Florida, staying with her great aunt on the east coast until the house is ready).

I have also ordered new bar stools for the kitchen, new bed blanket and new pillows (from Pacific Coast, LOVE their premium pillows!). And today Sarah and I went to the mall and saw a movie and did some more shopping... just a little...

And I just bought an unlocked super duper phone that finally brings me into 2010... long overdue for sure. Now I will actually be abet o have some fun while I am waiting in those long lines to pick Sarah up form school, yay!

So there will be a lot of fun packages arriving this coming week, always fun! Once in a while it is kind of fun to really just shop a little, but at the same time all the stuff we got this weekend was stuff we really needed (yes, I know, we don't really need any of it, but you know what I mean.. )

Now I am going to see if I can get Sarah to go to bed...


Lotte Jensen said...

shopping och inredning är kul

Petra H said...

Åh, vad kul med shopping och speciellt när det är för att Kens dotter ska bo i närheten. Alltid roligt att få hjälpa någon att skapa ett hem! Hoppas att hon uppskattar allt ni gör för henne!
Vi ska antagligen lägga ett bud på ett hus i eftermiddag!!!! Så spännande men jag tror att det är ett "skambud" och att ägarna kommer att säga nej. Vi får se. Om vi köper huset kommer vi att bygga en liten lägenhet på bottenvåningen (där även garaget är) för att hyra ut - "income property" även här ;-)
Kram och ha en trevlig måndag!