Wednesday, July 21, 2010


Yesterday was busy busy. No news yet about the house, but we should find out today. The tracking on my new phone says it was sorted in Tampa at 2 AM this morning, so there is a chance it could be on the mail truck today, exciting! Weird that stupid things like a new phone can make you all excited, but it is like a new shiny toy, of course.

And the new luxury pillows, they are coming today! I remember many years ago when we got the once we have now, how wonderful they were, so I am very much looking forward to using the new once tonight. A great pillow is gold, especially for someone like me who is a light sleeper and wake up all the time. Anything to make it easier to sleep is good...

I did a bunch of jobs this morning, so I think I can take the rest of the day off with a clean conscience, so I can clean the house, ha ha... It is needed for sure.

This is how the bar stools came out after I assembled them yesterday, by the way:

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Skönt att du redan har fått en hel del avklarat så att du kan pyssla med annat som är nödvändigt. Barstolarna var himla snygga. De ser dessutom sköna ut att sitta i. Många barstolar är inte direkt sköna men dessa ser kanon ut. Jag gillar också ditt ordspråk som du har på väggen. Både budskapet och som dekoration. Jättefint!
Spännande med både ny skön kudde och naturligtvis ny telefon. Klart man blir upprymd av en ny telefon. Det är som att få en ny leksak. Jag antar att du kommer hålla utkik efter UPS eller Fedex killen här inom närmaste tiden.
Ha en bra dag.