Monday, August 2, 2010


I was really tired this morning, Monday tend to do that to you...

I have a very large job to do this week, so I am just going to buckle down and work.

If you ever need a brake, are in the mood for something funny and sometimes even disturbing to take your mind off of things, to make you feel, well, normal, I have a recommendation:

Visit the web site People of Wal-Mart. For you in Sweden who don't know what Wal-Mart is, it is a large store chain that sell a little bit of everything, kind of like Domus.

But these stores have a tendency to attract the odds and ends of people, so if you ever had any prejudice against Americans, they will ALL be confirmed reading this web site. Watch, read and weep (or recoil in disgust...)

Where do all these weirdos come from?


Marianne said...

Hahahahahahaha! Guuud så roligt! Är bilderna från övervakningskameror, eller är det någon som går runt och plåter, vet du det?

Jag har lagt den länken som bokmärke!


S w e F l o said...

Hela sidan är baserad på folks bilder och berättelser som de skickat in. Ett bra ställe att tömma hjärnan på ibland när det behövs... Helt otroligt!