After a lot of turns with the insurance company I finally got approved for Remicade treatments. This is my last resort, since I have pretty much tried everything else over the last 20 years. Nothing seems to really work anymore. Remicade is the latest hi tech medication out there for Chron's. It is actually derived from mice. It blocks the body's inflammation process, essentially shutting down the inflammation all over.
Many people have had a pretty immediate dramatic improvement, but I was apparently not one of them. It could take a few months to really work as well.
It is a very expensive treatment, the meds themselves costing about $2000 per treatment, plus the cost of having the 2-3 hour long infusion in the hospital.
I am going in for my second treatment on Tuesday next week, the initial treatment is at 0 week, then another at 2 and then again at 6. After that most people go in every 8 weeks or so.
Of course this medication comes with its share of serious risks, but at the moment I think the benefits outweighs the risks... Ask me later!
We are planning a little camping trip this upcoming Memorial Day weekend. I have rented a cabin in Myakka River State Park, adn we are going canoeing and hiking in the park. They have a canopy walk there that is pretty unique. Last summer when we camped we used a tent, but it is really hot and muggy here in Florida already, so I am glad we get to stay in a log cabin with AC and shower bathroom/shower facilities. These cabins were built back in the 30s but have been fully modernized.
Should be fun!
Today I am catching up on some work and just doing stuff on the computer. Nothing much going on I guess.