Tuesday, June 15, 2010


So hot here. And unbearably humid. Yesterday morning I got the not so brilliant idea to walk with the dogs up to the nearest mail box to drop off some mail. It was almost painful to walk in the heat. Bradenton has a record heat wave, it has not been this hot since 1998, and much of the southeast is experiencing high heat right now. With the humidity it feels like around 42 degrees C.

It is difficult to function outside, and I marvel at how the people could live here in Florida before AC came around. Plus, they wore a lot more clothes back then too... And worked hard outside as well! Crazy!

Ken was talking with a friend about Sand dollar beach yesterday, and the friend was very familiar with it. His brother swims there a lot. That is, until very recently.

They had been standing on that sand bar, with the deeper lagoon in between them and the beach, the same lagoon Sarah and I was snorkeling in (together with a bunch of other people too).

All of a sudden they saw a huge hammerhead shark jump up and pretty much slice one of those huge tarpons in half, right in front of them!

They were trapped on the sand bar and just had to stand there and see the bloody feeding frenzy take place. After the scary incident they talked to some locals that said this lagoon always is teeming with tarpons. And tarpons is a favorite food of sharks. So no locals ever swim there!

I shudder thinking about those sharks that probably were in there with us! So no more snorkeling at THAT beach... :-)


Mrs Clapper said...

Hjälp!! Jag ska genast sluta klaga över knott, mygg och "livsfarliga" snokar!

Marianne said...

Men fy vad läskigt! Ja, jag säger som Mrs Clapper, jag ska sluta klaga över mygg, flugor och ... nej, sedan klagar jag nog inte över fler insekter just nu. Ta i trä för blir det kackerlackor igen så kommer jag att klaga högt : )

S w e F l o said...

Ja kackerlackor är inte kul, jag för ett personligt krig mot dem! Det säger väl en hel del att en av de största heter Palmetto bug. Döpt efter vår grannstad. De gillar vårt garage och soptunnan, och kommer gärna in om de får en chans...

Desiree said...

Shit ja, tell me about it! Jag har fått nog redan. Detta är väl bara början på långa sommaren. Just denna intesiva höga hetta tillsammans med fukten gör det ju näst intill outhärdligt att vistas utomhus just nu. Jag längtar så efter att det ena eller andra ska ge med sig lite. Inge kul då man inte kan vara ute. Man blir helt klibbig och knockad av detta väder. Pust!