Last night Sarah got to stay up late (she fell asleep just after 9 PM). She made a cozy "nest" for her and the dogs on the couch, and we all watched Wild Russia on the Discovery Channel.
Still having trouble with joint pain mostly in my hands, very irritating.
This morning I had a guy here to give me an estimate for a backyard fence. I have been wanting it since we moved in, but there has always been more important things to fix. But now the fence WILL happen! The price was much lower than I thought, so it looks very feasible. I have pleaded with the husband that this is all I want for our anniversary or even Christmas this year. I usually get something for the house, something a bit more expensive, it has kind of become a bit of a tradition. So I am keeping my fingers crossed...
I have a long list of things to get at IKEA this weekend, really looking forward to it. I ordered Sarah's new loft bed the other day, so it should be here around August 20th or so I think. I got all the stuff ready to stain it and put it together, I am really excited about that. Sarah really wanted a red bed, but I got her to agree on a normal wood stain and instead adding red drapes around the bottom, to create a little play area under the bed. I also got her rope light that will go around the "ceiling" under the bed, so she has light under there. Hopefully it will all come out great and be ready before school starts, kind of a start of the school year present for her, to get her excited.
Ken's firm was audited today. They came armed with lots of papers and questions, but he had an answer for everything (he is after all a certified auditor himself), so they gave up after a few hours and left. Since I am an employee of Ken's company, I am now except for future audits according to Florida law, which means my company cannot get audited either... I am very glad to be married to a CPA, Certified Public Accountant. It sure comes in handy sometimes...
Oh, and Ken has agreed to buy a property on Gotland in the future. We were thinking an apartment in Visby which we can rent out to college students during the school semesters, and then rent out to tourists (at a hefty premium) during the summer weeks, with possibility to "book" the weeks we want to stay there ourselves. There is a big demand for rental apartments for students, so should be easy to rent out. Very exciting!
Å vilka fina bilder! Sarah är så söt!!! och ja dina hundar också såklart!! :-)
Hoppas verkligena tt loftsängne blir bra, men det tror jag säkert. Det låter som om det kommer bli ett rejält lyft!
och du kul med Gotland!
Kolla bara upp så att det är ok att hyra ut i andra hand.
Vissa bostadsrättsföreningar (ifall det är i en sådan ni vill köpa lgh) har ju i sina regler att man endast får hyra ut i andra hand om man det handlar om att "testbo" på annan ort p g a nytt jobb eller ev av privta skäl som att testbo med en ny partner. Och oftast har de en gräns för detta vilkte i vissa fall är max ett år. Men som sagt, allt är inte så, men väl värt att kolla innan ni köper!
Men kanske finns det andra typer av lgh i visby som är en turiststad?? Sådana man kan köpa utan att bo i, utan mer ha som sommar- och semesterboende?
Stor kram och hoppas du mår bättre snart!
Åh, vad härligt med alla planer för huset med staket och loftsängen (som ser jättefin ut på bilden nedan) och spännande med ett hus på GOtland!! Hoppas att ni kommer iväg till Gotland nästa sommar och att ni hittar något fint ställe att köpa!
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