We had a slow weekend, we went and saw a movie (Alien sin the attic) and pretty much just hung around the house.
Sarah stayed home from camp today so she could play with her friend; this is the last week of camp, with a very anticipated field trip to the Lowry Park Zoo on Wednesday. After that Sarah will have two weeks off before starting 1st Grade on August 24th. Just enough time off to get bored enough so she will be excited to go back to school, is the plan...
We will be going to Fort Lauderdale/Palm Beach August 13-16, but other than that we are just planning on enjoying the last day of "freedom" before the new school year starts.
We were looking at outdoor lights yesterday at Lowe's (giant home improvement store), and instead we came home with yet another new toilet. We figured we want to make sure we can get the same model as the other one, and it was on sale... So now the big box is sitting in the living room, hopefully to be installed here soon.
I ended up getting the outdoor lights online, so whenever they arrive we will have one of Ken's client's install them, he is an electrician.
We are replacing the sconces on the sides of the garage door, and we wanted to get something that will go on automatically when it gets dark, and turn off when morning comes. But we also wanted motion detection, so whenever someone is moving around in the front of the house, the lights will get brighter. We also got two new porch lights, one for the front of the house and one for the back, both with motion detection but no dusk to dawn feature. Should be perfect!
Now I am going to watch the Swedish movie "Maria Larssons Eviga Ögonblick"...
Hahaha så ni samlar på toaletter just nu! :-)
det är bra att ni inte verkar känna av ngn influensa iallafall! :-) Hur lång är inkuberingstiden på den egentligen. När kan ni "pusta ut" med tanke på Sarahs kompis som blev sjuk på camp?
Jag tror det kan vara ca upp till 1 vecka, och vem vet om någon annan har blivit sjuk, eftersom det tog ett tag innan "larmet" gick så att säga. Jag mådde urkass igår, så jag blev lite nervös, men det var nog bara allmän trötthet tror jag...
Det var ju lite komiskt att ni åkte iväg för att titta på utomhusbelysning och kom hem med en toalettstol :)Och att den nu står i vardagsrummet, hihihi.
Jag vill också ha nya toaletter! Min har börjat rinna igen, så man måste sparka till den för att den ska sluta varje gång man har spolat. Kul ... Klas fick en ny tank i dag i alla fall, för den hade spruckit. Men jag vill ha HELA toastolen ny. Ja, ja.
Om jag nu bara kan få den andra toan installerad också så vore det bra... Maken har mycket jobbstress just nu, så ag har en känsla av att den blir stående ett tag i vardagsrummet... Suck ja! Men den är i alla fall i huset!
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