Saturday, March 22, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt!

Yesterday both Sarah and Ken were sick! Just a cold, but still a pest. Usually Ken is a hopeless baby, but we both behaved nice towards each other. Otherwise he is usually on the couch moaning in agony over how bad he feels for himself, while I get crankier and crankier listening to him. But we were all normal yesterday. Just a regular family with colds. I hope I don't get it.

This morning it was time for the BIG Easter Egg Hunt, and even if Sarah was a bit sick she didn't want to miss it! I woke up at 6 AM just to give Ken some Tylenol for the fever, so by the time we left he would be on his best behavior (I know, very selfish of me, he didn't get the Tylenol out of just well meaning for him, it was more for me!)

We got to the park a bit late, figuring we would miss the actual arrival of Peter Cottontail (aka the Easter Bunny), but they were running a bit late too, so we actually happened to be on a small road and got the whole thing going by us, pirates and all! We caught a few of the beads they were throwing from the ship. (The county have the Easter Egg Hunt in conjunction with the month long Desoto Festival, which celebrate the beginning of our town when Hernando De Soto discovered it in the 16th century.

I had checked teh weather, so even if it wasn't going to be cold, we knew there was likely to be rain. I had prepped by bringing extra clothes, and just as it was Sarah's age group's turn on their field the rain started to pour. We were in and out of there very fast, and she had a great time even if we got a bit wet!

I sent the husband to work with some cold medicine, and I have been working a bit myself. I think the rest of the afternoon will be for watching movies. And with these sick guys and this rainy weather I am definitely making Thai Chicken Soup for dinner today...

Happy Easter/Glad Påsk!


Petra H said...

Vad intressant att höra att det är en organiserad påskäggsjakt för alla. Är den gratis? Tråkigt att resten av familjen är snuvig men det låter gott med en thai-soppa.
Här blev det inga fyllda påskägg - de ligger på matsalsbordet som dekoration istället... Får planera lite bättre nästan påsk och komma på vad jag kan lägga i Os ägg (han äter inte godis)..
Glad Påsk!

Desiree said...

Glad påsk. Synd att både S och K var sjuka. Men roligt att Sarah ändå fick uppleva egg hunten även om det var regn och rusk. Thai Chicken soup låter supersmarrigt.

Saltistjejen said...

Kul med äggjakt!!
Hade inte hört talas om det förrän vi lfyttade hit. Men det var flera amerikaner på jobbet som berättade om att de alltid ville vara med på "Stadens äggjakt" när de var små.
Låter roligt!

Hopas att sjuklingarna kryar på sig! :-)