I turned on my "out of office auto reply" so now I am officially off from work until I feel OK after the surgery. I just got too much else to do this week. I have a large project waiting for me when I get back from my new Danish client, and he is aware it might be a few weeks until I feel up to it. Nice to know I have a good and easy chunk of work when I get back!
So today I decided to do some deep cleaning, continuing tomorrow. I took on the scary task of cleaning out a few closets. There were some stuff in there that were screaming of wanting to be donated to Goodwill, got a huge sack full of some really nice stuff someone hopefully can use.
Almost dinner time, time flies! Sarah and I ran over to Wal Mart to get a few things and had a quick lunch at McDonald's in there. I am trying to bulk up and eat a lot this week, since most people will loose about 20 lbs or so the first week after surgery. I am by far not that fat at 132 lbs and 5.8 feet tall, so that would probably make me extra weak. So I figured I would load up on all that stuff I normally don't eat, plus stuff that I really can't eat after the first surgery (due to the risk of blockages). So lots of Coke, chocolate but also veggies such as broccoli and lots of protein (supposedly good when healing). I added some zinc tablets too, since I have had a zinc deficiency on and off, and it is an important nutritional part when healing wounds.
Better continue cleaning for now!
Du är verkligen i rätt land när det gäller att bunkra upp på vikten. Jag tror inte att det skulle vara några problem att fixa till 5 till 10 exta kilon.
Ja passa på att ät allt du kan nu! Hinner du inte blogga så mkt innan själva operationen (tror du skrev att din syster skulle komma imorgon?) så önskar jag dig all lycka till och hoppas att allt går så bra det bara kan! Kram!
Lycka till med allt och ät upp dig så gott det går. Det är säkert viktigt att du har några extra kilon (om det går) så att du klarar av det hela.
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