Monday, September 15, 2008

Money starting to come in

Spent this morning paying bills. Finally people are paying me! 4 of the biggest amounts due are all coming in this week. There is only one that seems to be problematic, a company in Canada.

I have a strong feeling they are not planning on paying me the $750 they owe me. I gave them a last chance to pay, we will see. But I am NOT going away quietly, I will contact a collection agency in their area, since I only have to pay if they collect. It would be worth it even if I only got to keep half. I will also contact their local Better Business Bureau and Chamber of Commerce, plus post to the payment practices boards I belong to for translators, to make sure no other translators work with them.

I called the company today, since they are not responding to my e-mails, and they hung up on me! No you don't!

They will not get away with this easy, that is for sure! They really piss me off!


Saltistjejen said...

Vaaa!! Vadå inte betala!!!???
Det låter ju olagligt!
Det MÅSTE det ju vara!
Skönt iallaflal att de andra betalningarna börjar droppa in.
Hoppas du mår lite bättre nu också och att jästen börjar försvinna.

S w e F l o said...

Ja du ska bara veta vad folk försöker komma undan med!

Anonymous said...

så är du tebax på banan igen då... fullt upp... och snart kommer finfrämmande... jomänn...
