Yesterday I sprayed the bug poison all around the house, inside the patio, around windows and doors and in the garage.
This poison is something I normally would like to avoid using, hence, the accumulation of spiders. After all, a home full of poison sprayed all around does not sound that great to me. But I need to protect my family... This spray works for 6 months. What is very common the day after spraying is that bugs of all kinds, but mainly cockroaches, come out of the woodwork to die. Yeah, this spray works great on the cocharachas too!
Last night when we were watching TV, Ken all of a sudden stood up very quickly. A huge roach had been crawling on him! We weren't able to get it before it disappeared into the couch... I have no idea how my dear husband could stomach sitting back down on that couch! All evening I had that creepy crawly feeling all over, imagining bugs crawling around.
Just now, I was going to pick up Sarah's clothes that were on the floor in the office. Then I stopped myself. Next to the clothes was this beast:
This humongous roach is now thoroughly sprayed with bug spray and flushed down the toilet. You can tell it wasn't feeling good to start, normally it would have fled quickly when I got close to the camera, so it was probably already dying. Maybe it was the same guy as last night? Disgusting...
But to be fair, roaches is not a common sight in our house, luckily... But if you live in Florida, you have roaches. You just might not see them...
Welcome to Florida, aunt Ewa. I know you just can't wait to get here now! :-)
But to be fair, roaches is not a common sight in our house, luckily... But if you live in Florida, you have roaches. You just might not see them...
Welcome to Florida, aunt Ewa. I know you just can't wait to get here now! :-)
Neeej! Fy, fy, FY vad äckligt! Hoppas ni slipper de ovälkomna besökarna i fortsättningen!
Jo jo nog tycker jag de är läbbiga kryp men jag är också nyfiken på dem eftersom vi inte har dem hemma hos mig. Vi har sniglar istället. Dom kommer i hundratals på kvällen hungriga och vässade till tänderna. Det är mannens uppgift att se till att de försvinner så jag slipper se dem. Dom är slajmiga.
Jag har inget att välja på. Jag är på väg snart.
Uuuuuuuuh! INTE skoj! Jag gillar INTE sådana kryp! Ine roaches och inte spindar. Iallafall INTE inomhus i hemmet!! Blä!
Hoppas ni blir av med dem och att de inte kommer tillbaks!
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