Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fruitville Grove's Pumpkin Festival

Today we visited Fruitville Groves's Pumpkin Festival.

They have a year round fruit and vegetable store, and they are run by one of the local Amish families. You can also buy all kinds of Amish food items like sauces, jellies and bread inside the store. I got some hand made anise candy, tasted just like Swedish "Kungen av Danmark".

It is a small Pumpkin Festival, but compared to other larger once in the area, they don't charge for admission and parking. Of course you have to visit the Pumpkin Patch and pick out some pumpkins and gourds. I got a few funny looking gourds for the kitchen, since I moved to the US they really give me that "now it is fall" feeling.

We enjoyed some grilled food and cool drinks after walking around and looking at all the festival had to offer. Unfortunately Florida is having a bit of a heat wave right now, so at 37 C and sweltering humidity, it is really hard to stay active outside too long.

Here are some pictures form today:

Funny "grave markers" decorated the parking lot

Pick your pumpkin in the Pumpkin Patch

Lots of veggies and fruits to choose from

More yummy stuff

Sarah practicing her driving skills

Ken and Sarah strolling through the market area

Local vendors offering their goods under a giant old oak, hoping to cool off a little in the heat

Sarah on the farm's little "train"

Sarah pretending to use the outhouse :-)

Sarah enjoyed a pony ride in the shade of the oaks

Sarah in the Pumpkin Patch


Anonymous said...

Låer som ni haft en härlig dag.
Vädret verkar det inte vara fel på heller.
Själv har man haft halsduk ett tag nu och på morgnarna är man väldigt sugen på vantar och mössa...
Men jag tänkte bita ihop ett tag till.

Marianne said...

En sån härlig utflykt! Alla åker på såna här mysiga utfärder nu under hösten verkar det som, jag läser om pumpkin patches överallt. Jag är lite avis!

Vi verkar ha samma sorts väder. Längtar också efter lite svalare vindar nu.

Fruitville Grove said...

I'm so glad you had such an amazing time at our grove! Thanks for blogging about it, the pictures look beautiful and I can see you all had a great time!!