Friday, February 4, 2011


Yesterday I got a lot of gardening done, but it was sooo warm and I was sweating buckets. I had to go to the garden center, load 10 huge sacks of garden mulch in the car, then unload them again when I got home. And then put the mulch in the flower beds. I was pretty worn out last night, especially since my joints were already aching before I even started. But it sure looks great now!

Spring is unofficially here now. I base that on the nice weather of course (another day with temperatures up to 30 C today), but mainly on the increase in all the bird twitter. It is like a symphony of birds outside, all competing to be heard over each other! And I saw my first stork the other day, that is a sure sign of spring in our area...

Today I am trying to get the house cleaned, but it is hard since i keep gettitng work assignments on top of each other. I decided to defer the rest to Monday, so we will see if I can get some stuff around here done.

Tomorrow it is CAT day! Sarah and I are leaving at 8 AM to go to Auburndale to pick her up. We should be home just after lunch. We will see how things goes if we let the dogs see her today or not. Perhaps just a quick sniff and greet... I rather they get introduced slowly and steady than quick and crazy.

Next Friday Sarah is going to a Valentine's Day party at her Tae Kwon Do school, which works out pretty good since it is also my birthday, and Ken and I get 4 hours to go out and enjoy a nice dinner at my favorite Japanese restaurant. At the party the kids are having pizza and then they are going to the movie theater to see the film "Gnomeo an dJuliet". I am very happy I am don't have to see that one. Garden gnomes in a modern version of Romeo and Juliet? No thanks... :-)


Desiree said...

Låter nice med vår men blir det vår fast man har tropiskt klimat? Här har småfåglarna också börjat sjunga vackert och det är ljuv musik i mina öron. Jag känner hur jag fylls av glädje och vårkänslor men tyvärr är det nog lite väl tidigt för vår här.
Ooooh vad spännande att ni får kattungen imorgon. Jag håller med dig om att det nog är bäst och smartast att hundarna och katten får bekanta sig i små steg. Men de tre ska nog bli bästa buddies ska du se. Ha ha ja den där versionen av Romeo och Juliet klarar jag mig också väldigt bra utan men det är ju toppen att du och Ken får chansen att fira din födelsedag lite på egen hand.

SweFlo said...

Vår så som vi är vana med är det u inte, men det är en tydlig skillnad här. Vädret blir varmare, luftfuktigheten högre. Och så börjar saker att växa och bli grönt igen, djuren skaffar ungar osv. Så vår i vårens betydlese, men snarare vår "light", eftersom vintrarna är väldigt milda.