Monday, February 14, 2011


Happy Valentine's Day everyone!

We tend to not really celebrate Valentine's, I think it is because my birthday is so close before or whatever. Except for Sarah, she always get a little Valentine's "basket" (actually a gift bag) with candy, chocolate and fun stuff.

I took Elsa to the vet this morning for her 2nd distemper shot. She has one more in 3 weeks plus the rabies, then she should be done for now. Due to her being an indoor cat there are a few vaccines we can skip, since she won't be hanging out with any other cats.

She was very feisty and noisy at the vet, except for the shot part, when she was still and quiet. Go figure!

I have a horribly sore throat, not sure of it is allergies (have been drinking Diet Coke again even though I know I am probably allergic to aspartame...), I have no other symptoms. So we will see.

Today work is on the schedule, hopefully some stuff get done around the house and then Tae Kwon Do tonight.

Tomorrow is picture taking day in Sarah's school, so I am going to try to get her in the bath tonight, plus do homework with her and make dinner. Lots of details to tend to!

Today they are having a Valentine's Day Party in school and she was bringing in cookies and valentines (cards and candies) for everyone in her class.

Now, some more tea and then work!


Saltistjejen said...

Krya på dig vännen!
och hoppas resten av V-Day blir bra! Du får kanske snuggla lite emd Elsa? ;-)

Desiree said...

Hoppas det blir bättre med halsen och ha en trevlig Valentines. Jag är säker på att Sarah kommer att få det iallafall med sina klasskompisar.