Turns out my rib pain is pleurisy. Not what I was hoping to hear, it is such a painful condition. I have had it several times before and the pain is equal to having broken ribs, not fun at all! It is basically an inflammation of the lining around the lungs, and the treatment is steroids, which I am already on. Dr K gave me some Vicodin so I can get some sleep tonight, this condition is especially tough when you have to apply pressure to the rib cage, such as when you sleep or just sit in a chair. Luckily most is in the front this time around, I have had it all around before, and I was pretty much sitting in the ER begging them to put me out of my misery...
Getting back into work with a big bang today, had to turn down a bunch of projects since I can only do so many. Summer usually is a busy time for me, a lot of it probably due to a lot of Swedish translators being on vacation most of the summer...
Tomorrow I am seeing my gastroenterologist to see what he is going to do with the steroids and other treatment options. I still have one more Remicade infusion (in 8 weeks) before we are deciding if it works or not. I really don't have much hope in that direction. My mind is already starting to prepare my self mentally for the possibility of having to remove my entire colon and rectum. If I only knew if the surgery would actually work beforehand, but there is no way to do that of course. And the recovery is usually a full year... Not exactly great...
Check out my t-shirt (and my very tired "I traveled for 34 hours" face)! I look like the Michelin man in the face due to all the steroids!

Kul att du är tillbaka igen och bloggar! Hoppas verkligen att du kan få hjälp på något sätt för dina olika besvär.
Hi there,
I hope you don't mind that i found your blog from Jacal's blog.
It's great that you blog in English a lot. I also have quite a horrendous life of illnesses so I wanted to say that my thoughts will be with you tomorrow as I know what it's like to have to keep going to the doctors/hosptal all the time and still you are smiling in your picture. You are a big help and encouragement to people like me who get very down about being ill.
Thankyou and all the best.
Hi Miranda and welcome! being sick ALL the time sucks, butit also makes you apreciate things in life more, I think. I often feel very lucky. Life is great!
Snygg t-shirt!
Jag hoppas verkligen att inflammationen i revbenen går över snart. Tycker verkligen du är en stark och tapper person som kämpar så. Jag hoppas så att det ska funka med remicaden för dig så att du slipper den stora operationen.
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