Turns out Dr M won't have an opening for me until spring, and there is no way I will wait that long. So I decided to go with Doctor Shore in St Petersburg instead. He is recommended by a couple of patients that had the surgery with him that I am having, and they loved him! It is closer to home as well. The facility is St Anthony's Hospital, a newly renovated hospital with a state of the art new colorectal surgery wing. I felt very much at ease talking to the coordinator, Fran. I have an appointment to see them on Tuesday at 2 PM. I asked when the surgery would be, and most likely in the middle of August! That is only like 3 weeks from now!
I have been reading up on the procedure and the long recovery. It is grueling and can be very tough, first you have to recover from major abdominal surgery, and then you will have a second surgery 12 weeks later where you basically have to learn how to poop again... They say it takes up to a year until everything is smoothed out, but you will of course never be normal again. Some adjust better than others. I think it will be important to watch what I eat so there won't be any blockages in the beginning. I met a great guy online who went through the same surgery, and he has posted some pictures for people to see. Very interesting, if you can handle it: J-pouch surgery pictures.
Den där operationen låter tufft helt klart. Men du är en stark person och vi dina bloggvänner kommer självklart att finnas som stöd och försöka peppa dig allt vad vi kan. Skönt att din syster kommer som stöd och hjälp. Hur lång tid efter operationen kommer du vara kvar på sjukhuset innan du kan få komma hem? Kan läkarna säga nåt om chanserna att operationen kommer att lyckas eller kan man bara vänta och se hur det blir när operationen väl är genomförd?
Jag har hört att genomsnittlig sjukhusvistelse för den första operationen är 5 dagar. Man vet nog inte hur lyckad operationen är förrens ca 1 månad efter den andra operationen, efter att man har testat det nya rörmokeriet, så att säga ;-)!
Goodness me! It's amazing what they can do these days isn't it?
I am a bit squeamish but I thought I would take a peek. It all looked rather well done and the guy didn't look as bad as I would have expected him to at that stage. I guess it boils down to your attitude to the whole thing as well. You seem to be quite positive so you would be better than someone like myself. So did it help to see the pictures or not?
As i say I thought it didn't look too bad really. (Of course I don't know how he felt though.)
Jag är glad att du fått en tid och håller tummar och tår. Har än väninna som gick igenom liknande - tuff period, men åh, så skönt när hon var igenom det, vilken styrka, vilken glädje! Hoppas nu allt ska gå bra och att rörmokeriet blir alldeles utmärkt!
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