Thursday, July 5, 2007


Tomorrow we are leaving for Sweden. Am I excited? You bet, if I could only muster the energy for it! I am completely exhausted, as is my poor husband!

The biggest issue has been our daughter's passport. On Monday I was told by the passport people that yes, her passport would be in my hands on Tuesday. Today it is Thursday; we have no passport!

I have been in contact with Swedish authorities. I have been in contact with American authorities. At least the Swedish people seem to know what they are talking about.

After many, many, many, MANY phones calls I finally got a solution to this very urgent dilemma! S will travel to Sweden using her Swedish passport. Her US passport is going to be sent to my husband's firm, and his employee will send it to us ASAP when she receives it! They would not send the passport to me directly in Sweden, but they agreed to send it to an alternative person here in the US. And hopefully the passport will be ready very soon (they indicated maybe tomorrow), so we should have it in good time before returning to the US of A. What a hassle!

As if that wasn't enough; on Tuesday it started to become clear the husband had a work crisis on his hands. He recently implemented a new server, but in order for him to go to Sweden he has to be able to access his work computer remotely via his laptop in Sweden. It work just fine until they upgraded the security system! All of a sudden he couldn't get into the server!

Without this access he cannot process payroll remotely for his clients, and they will most likely not stay his clients if their employees don't get their paychecks...

So the entire Tuesday was spent with a computer guy from one of his clients' companies which fix computers. He could not fix this problem... The 4th of July was a Holiday, it being Independence Day, so K could do nothing more than freak out and stress. If this problem wouldn't be resolved by today, Thursday he would not be able to go with me and S to Sweden.

I cannot stress how important it is for me to have him come with us. Not only as a "pack mule" on the flight, but to show him where I am from. He has never been to Sweden, ever! And we have been together 10 years... So, very important!

Finally Thursday came, and the owner of the computer company came out himself. He knew what was at stake, and he didn't disappoint! In less than an hour all was well! I told him I love hime, poor thing ;-)!

So after a CRAZY day I am now trying to check off in my mind all the things that should be packed, and relax for a bit until tomorrow...

We are leaving to drop off the dogs at the kennel at 7 AM, our flight from Tampa leaves at 12:15 PM, so with the drive of an hour and the security and check in, we will most likely leave from here at 8 AM.

I rather be early and have a few minutes to kill than stress. All I would do is sit at home and wait until it was time to leave anyway ;-)!

"See" you in Sweden!


Anne-Marie said...

Hoppas att ni får en riktigt härlig Sverigevistelse. Det där med pass verkar bli mer och mer komplicerat. Mitt gamla pass skulle gå ut i januari 2008 men eftersom jag inte visste om jag skulle åka till Sverige i år såg jag till att jag skaffade ett nytt här i USA innan alla fotostationer införts. Det innebar att jag slapp åka ända till Los Angeles bara för att skaffa ett pass. Tre ambassader kommer att ha de här fotostationerna. Tre ställen i hela USA! Hoppas din dotters pass kommer snart. Vilken tur att din man kan åka med.

JaCal said...

Phew! Hoppas hoppas nu det har gått jättebra att resa och allt strul har lyst med sin frånvaro och att ni får härliga veckor i Sverige! Skickar över lite hetta härifrån så att Sverige visar sig från sin bästa sida på makens första besök.

Pass = stress... har alldeles för många "fick passet i sista minuten" historier...

Desiree said...

Ha en underbar resa och Sverigevistelse. Jobbigt med en massa sista minuten strul och stress. Jag hoppas verkligen att allt löser sig och att ni får komma iväg ordentligt och ha det riktigt bra. Vi har precis kommit tillbaka nu efter 3 veckor. Resan är lång och jobbig men ändå helt klart värt mödan. Det måste vara mycket speciellt för dig att återvända efter så pass lång tid utomlands. Hoppas ni får bättre väder än vad vi fick. Ha det riktigt bra nu.