Thursday, November 1, 2007

Halloween "swarms"

Right before we were getting ready to go out Sarah decided she wanted to wear her old yellow baby blanket around her, going as the Yellow Power Ranger. Mind you she has never even seen an episode of the Power Rangers, but apparently the boys in school like to play it. She knew all the different moves from the show!

I didn't think a baby blanket would be that great as a costume, but then she declared she wanted to be Snow White (from last year) and not a witch... So Snow White it was! And the dogs got to wear glow stick collars around their necks, so I could keep track of them in the dark. With the dogs glowing like Christmas trees, Sarah having shoes that light up when she walks, a light up, blinking Snow White wand and a large glow stick around her neck, we sure didn't have to worry about not being seen!

Our neighborhood happens to be very popular for trick or treaters, but this year it went a little overboard. I completely understands that if you perhaps live in an unsavory kind of neighborhood that isn't exactly kid-friendly, I would take my kid(s) to a more decent place too. Not the fanciest place, but a regular, friendly neighborhood. Like ours.

But. It is like they are selling tickets to our neighborhood somewhere. I counted 16 cars parked just on our street. 16! And not normal cars; no, big things that each had probably 10 or so kids (plus adults) in them! Before it was even dark the streets were swarming with these crowds!

Like I said, I don't mind the idea behind it, but I would like to see it in normal fashion, you know, the parents and a couple of kids. NOT mobs of people swarmed together! And they are not very polite either, Sarah got showed into the bushes several times at our neighbors' houses. We know our neighbors pretty well, and they were all trying to get a look at Sarah's costume, chat a little with us, but we got showed around pretty bad by the swarms (that is the best word I can describe them with!)

This is not the first year this has happened, it seem to be an annual occurrence. Last year was pretty bad too. I saw kids (teenagers and middle school age), part of the "swarms", that switched costumes with each other and then went back and hit the same houses they had already been to several times. That is all fun and games, but they seemed so calculated about it, like they only cared about getting as much candy as possible. It didn't really give you a warm, fussy feeling about Holiday fun...

I think people must have complained, because I saw two police cars driving up and down our street. Unfortunately we live on the first street in the neighborhood, so most of the "swarm" parked close to our place.

We got a little shocked when we saw all the people piling out of all those cars, so we decided to walk waaay back and start from there. That was good, since we got a few streets with peace, quiet and fun! Then when we made our way back to our place we got "swarmed" again.

It would be a shame if we, who live here, have to go to a different neighborhood to be able to enjoy some trick or treating in peace!

Sarah did have a lot of fun, walking around for 2 hours, and that is what is most important. But this hole "swarm" thing kind of irks me... What do you think!


Desiree said...

Jag förstår att det blir lite mycket om det kommer hur mycket folk som helst. Vi har lite samma sak i vårt område. Det är många som tycker att det är så himla bra då det är halloween just för att de stänger av trafiken, vi har riktiga trottoarer och det känns tryggt för föräldrarna att låta sina barn går runt där. Så det var säkert 10 bilar parkerade på vår gata igår. Vårt godis tog slut ganska snart. Visst är det kul att det kommer folk men det får ju inte gå överstyr och bli too much heller.

Louise said...

Vad synd att det ska bli så, men det är såklart svårt att göra något åt. Men som du skriver, så är det viktigaste var ju ändå att lilltjejen hade det kul. Och det verkar ju onekligen kul. Något annat än våra turer som påskkärringar förr i tiden... (som iofs också var kul) :-)