Wednesday, November 14, 2007


I just feel very stressed right now. Many small things just aren't going like I want them to. I have a client in France that owes me a lot of money. I did the job in the beginning of August, and it is now over 90 days... I contacted the agency, and first they blamed a new computer system, an assistance and then finally said their end client is paying them on the 10th.

It is now the 14th. They should have received their payment by now, so I want MINE! I have bills that need to be pay by the end of next week, I have a huge Thanksgiving dinner I need to shop for. Among other things... Give me my freaking money! I threatened the agency to not only passing the case on to an international collection agency based in France, but to also write very bad reviews about the agency on all known translation forums online (so no other translators get the same treatment) AND contact the end client, which in this case is CIBA (contact lenses). I am sure they would be interested in finding out who they are dealing with! It is just not very professional to treat subcontractors like this.

I am just tired of people thinking they can screw around with me. I did a very good job for you, now you PAY me!

So as you can tell I am a bit agitated.

Still no tires (but hopefully they get them today). I have been driving close to home with the spare tire on, but that is not that great.

I haven't been able to find a guinea pig for adoption yet. Every time I contact someone they had just adopted theirs. But I did manage to build a great guinea pig cage (thank you Guinea Pig Cages!) and get all the supplies. SO all we need now is a little piggie or two...

So if they could just PAY me my day would be a lot better... Well, all days can't be great, but I really hate being in this kind of mood!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Fy vad dåligt att de inte betalar i tid för ditt jobb. Trist att behöva ta i med hårdhandskarna. Jag förstår att du är stressad. Man vill ju ha sina pengar för man behöver dem.