I am sick of tired of sitting here all day waiting. Cabin fever! I don't really have anything to do, and I don't feel like doing much either. It isn't exactly much you can do around here with two dogs in tow... It wouldn't have been so bad if I could at least lay out by the pool, but then we would have a howl-fest on our hands in the room.
Bob is still very homesick and not happy at all, barely tolerating the situation. Every time we go to the house to get the mail and check on the progress he gets so excited, the poor thing. He thinks he is going home... I usually take them on a long walk around our neighborhood while there, so they can smell some familiar surroundings.
And then I feel so bad about something else. Sarah's teacher told me how many invitations would be needed, so I could put one in each kid's "mailbox" at school. But when I dropped them off yesterday I noticed there were at least 3 new kids in the class that I had never heard of before, they must have started recently. Luckily nobody was in the class room when I dropped the invitations in the slots/folders of each kid, so nobody will now who got invited or not, just the parent picking up each kid's "mail" and art. Since I was a few short (and I can't make more since our house is all packed away in boxes), I skipped a few names that I never heard off. I figured Sarah would most likely want the kids she knew the most to come. And I had to make a choice, so I did.
Then in the car afterwards I asked about one of the new names I had seen. "Do you know who Arthur is in your class?" I asked. She said "He is a new friend. He LOVES me a lot mommy! He is very nice!" Great. I didn't invite Arthur. I feel like shit...
Kan du inte bjuda in denna Arthur i efterhand via telefon ellr så? Förklara för föräldrarna att du inte kände till hans existens och därför hade för få inbjudningskort, men gärna vill att han ska komma?? Borde väl fungera??
Jag vet bara vad han heter i förnamn, har ingen aning om vad han heter i efternamn, hur han ens ser ut, eller hans kontaktinfo! Tänkte att jag skulle kunna handskriva en inbjudan och bjuda in honom och de andra, men nu kommer jag inte ens håg (förutom Arethur då) vilka som inte fick inbjudan! Ja suck ja. Det blir nog barn så det räcker skulle jag tro. Det brukar bli en 10-15 stycken vid varje party!
ok men oroa dig inte då! Tycker att det är ett väldigt giltigt och legitimt skäl att "inte känna till en persons existens"! :-)
Det blir väl fler födelsedagskalas i framtiden när du kan bjuda in denna kille ifall han fortfarande är en vän till Sarah då!
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