Yesterday afternoon when I went to pick up Sarah in school I noticed it hurt really bad in the middle of my stomach. I figured it might be some kind of heart burn (I should know better by now!), so I took an anti-heartburn (halsbränna) medication. But after we got back home it got a bit worse and I could here lots of weird gurgling in there. Then I realized it was a serious clog that was forming. I can tell the difference between a clog that is just irritating and something that can turn more serious, and the more serious kind feels like fire. I am trying to be very careful and not eat too much and drink lots of tea and water.
A clog that is serious require medical care, and the symptom that is the signal that I need to take off to the ER is vomiting, and I am trying to avoid that. Same stuff going on today, so I will just eat very sparsely and drink lots of fluids and hope for the best. A stop in my intestine is not on my list of things to do right now. But I feel pretty confident I can handle it. I am just so freaking hungry! Oh well, just part of my new life, so no big deal.
No more rain today, but lots of gray clouds. Take care!
Å jag hoppas verkligen du blir bättre snart!! krya på dig!
Fy vad jobbigt. Hoppas att du får bukt med det hela på egen hand. Stackare jag förstår att du är hungrig men ändå inte vågar äta. Kan du äta soppor, smoothies och sådant som är mer flytande?
Stackare, hoppas det går över snart och att du slipper åka till sjukhuset! Krya på dig!
Fortfarande stopp... Vi får väl se om det ger med sig!
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