I did also see Bob eating something off the sidewalk the night before, and when I asked the neighbor what that crud was that he so happily enjoyed before I pulled him away, he said it is from those grabbing arms on the big garbage trucks. So essentially he ate a goo of crud from like hundreds of houses. I can only imagine the bacterial soup in it...
Bob has been sick many times before, usually he get better in a few hours, but he was really really not doing good. He threw up anything he ingested, included all the water he drank. He was very weak and dehydrated and I was ready to take him to the pet ER, even though it is a pain to get there at night. But then all of a sudden he snapped out of it and started to sleep with all his paws in the air, a good sign he is feeling good. And today he is back to normal, maybe a bit lighter. I was really worried about Bob, he is very special to us, the little pig. If he just wasn't such a food freak he might not have gotten into this problem in the first place...
My own gut is still hurting, but I am planning on waiting it out until Monday since I really don't want to mess up Sarah's birthday party. I will give the antibiotics a few more days.
Sarah had a good birthday yesterday. We started the day off my waking her up with a muffin with a candle in it, singing happy birthday and opening a few presents in bed.
Today after I pick her up from school we are going to the mall, where we are having lunch. Then I am getting a haircut, which I haven't had one since December! I am SO ready for a cut right now! Grandma is coming to pick Sarah up when I am at the hair salon, and they are taking off to the Red Barn Flea Market. That should be fun for them! Then when Ken gets home, we have to pick up the Mickey Mouse outfit, the cake and all the food and drinks for the party. Then we have to fill 250 water balloons. So we have a full day today, but I have a feeling it will be a fun party tomorrow!
Now I better get to work so I can finish the job I am working on before I have to pick her up in school. Just wish the infection was in a different spot. When I sit my lower rib kind of rest on that spot, which is incredibly uncomfortable... Ouch!
Oj det ser ut som om Bob fick en ordentlig rensning av magen! Men skönt att höra att han hämtade sig så snabbt ändå!! kanske boostade han bara sitt immunsystem lite så att han hädanefter kan äta ännu mer konstiga saker utan att bli sjuk...+ ;-)
Underbart att SArah blev så överraskad och glad igår!!! kul! :-)
Och det lär säkert bli ett superkul kalas imorgon!
Hoppas nu att du själv blir bättre också. Sköt om dig!
Stackars Bob, bra att han mår bättre idag. Han kanske hade hittat något smaskigt ute på promenaden. Hundar kan ju verkligen sätta i sig de mest äckliga saker ibland. Hoppas att du själv har det ok med magen idag. Sarah verkar ha fått en bra födelsedag och har en hel del att fortfarande se fram emot. Ha en bra helg. Ha det bra hos frissan. Jag var själv och klippte mig för ca 2 veckor sedan och då hade jag inte heller klippt mig sedan innan jul. Ibland blir det så. Här vill de ju gärna att man ska komma in och klippa sig vart 6:e vecka, eh vem har tid med sådant känns det som för min del.
Åh, vilken dag Sarah fick.Låter som en perfekt födelsedag! Kul grej du ordnat på restaurangen och att de kom och sjöng för henne.
Så håller jag så klart tummarna för att dina smärtor försvinner snabbare än kvickt nu!
Tråkigt med dina återvändande problem och vovvens sjuka. Desto trevligare med Sarahs födelsedag. :-) Hoppas ni får ett lyckat party imorgon också!!
(PS: Jag har inte heller klippt mig sedan i december. Borde kanske vara på tiden snart... ;-) )
Hoppas ni fick en toppen dag med kalas och allt vad det innebär. Kram
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