Thursday, May 22, 2008

Done deal

The more I read about microdermabrasion and skin cancer prevention, the more convinced I am this might be a good idea. And frankly, I think I deserve a little bit of pampering. I get a haircut every 6 months, that is it, so why not! I have an appointment for June 4 for a microdermabrasion followed by a calming facial. I will get the package of 3 treatments spaced 4 weeks a part, to really reap the benefits. I heard this DiamondTome is a lot better than the old fashioned version where they use crystals, no particles that can be breathed in, get in your eyes or on your clothes!

This is pretty exciting! I have never done anything like this before. I think I will throw in a teeth whitening session when I have my teeth cleaned that same week as well... They have a deal where you pay a one time fee of $99 and can get free touch ups for life if you have your teeth cleaned twice a year. And since we are getting dental insurance, cleanings and checks ups will be free anyway!

I did home improvements, now I am moving on to self improvements! Ha ha!

1 comment:

Saltistjejen said...

Aha! NU såg jag deitt senaste inlägg! Hahaha!
Ja du kan ju läsa min kommentar nedan... :-)

Good choice!
