The dogs were very excited, since they rarely get to come on adventurous. This park, owned by a Swede, actually, is very dog friendly. and they even encourage you to bring your canine friends.
It was a hot day, but the park (all outside) was situated in a very forested and shady area, perfect! It was pretty cool walking around all the paths, looking at the life size dinos. They are all recreated to look as close to what the researchers believe they might have looked, based on fossils.
Sarah had a great time, and after getting a few things from the git shop, she, myself and the dogs waited outside the entrance for Ken. As soon as he came out I noticed my hearing was all messed up. I could hear less and less, at the same time I felt nauseated and dizzy.
There was really no place to sit down, so I just wanted to make it out to the car, but as we were walking it just got worse. The last few feet I had zero vision and just very muffled hearing, I felt I had very little motor control. It was some really scary stuff! After getting into the car whatever that was quickly started to dissipate, and I soon felt much better.
I have no idea what happened, I was not tired, it was not too hot, I didn't feel sick, I had food and drink right before. Weird! The only thing I can image would be my low blood pressure. It has always been on the lower side, and I did faint a few times when I was a preteen. But this is the worst "fainting attack" (if that was what it was) since then! Very scary!
As soon as we got home I took a shower, and then I felt super tired, so I took an hour long nap. Now I feel OK, but still have that weird sensation in my ears, that the sound is a bit off. I think I better take it easy rest of the day, we are just planning on going don to the beach for dinner.
I guess my body i snot too happy that I have been feeling so good the last 6 months, it always have to be something, right?!
There was really no place to sit down, so I just wanted to make it out to the car, but as we were walking it just got worse. The last few feet I had zero vision and just very muffled hearing, I felt I had very little motor control. It was some really scary stuff! After getting into the car whatever that was quickly started to dissipate, and I soon felt much better.
I have no idea what happened, I was not tired, it was not too hot, I didn't feel sick, I had food and drink right before. Weird! The only thing I can image would be my low blood pressure. It has always been on the lower side, and I did faint a few times when I was a preteen. But this is the worst "fainting attack" (if that was what it was) since then! Very scary!
As soon as we got home I took a shower, and then I felt super tired, so I took an hour long nap. Now I feel OK, but still have that weird sensation in my ears, that the sound is a bit off. I think I better take it easy rest of the day, we are just planning on going don to the beach for dinner.
I guess my body i snot too happy that I have been feeling so good the last 6 months, it always have to be something, right?!
1 comment:
Vilken häftig och rolig park!! :-)
Den skulle jag tyckt varit kul att besöka!
Och Sarah är så himla cool. Att hon vågade hoppa "in" i dinosaurien!!!
Hoppas verklgien du inte blir dålig nu. Din yrsel låter inte särskilt bra. Men kan kanske var du "bara" lite trött. Eller har du ätit ngt som itne var helt bra? Eller så är det ngn virus som mdu fått, men som inte gör dig "sjuk" på annat vis, typ förkyld eller så.
Hoppas iallafall att det går över. Det är alltios lite oroande när man känner sig dålig utan att veta orsaken.
Ta det lugnt och vila! Det är oftast det allra bästa när man itne känner sig helt 100.
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