Sometimes it is good to have a husband...
My dear Ken is not just a CPA and certified financial adviser, he is also a software developer, and have among other things come out with a software aimed at CPAs.
A friend of Ken's gave him the tip that he might qualify for a Microsoft developer member (don't remember what it was called). Any way, he DID qualify, and this means he and his company gets up to 10 FREE licenses of ANY MICROSOFT SOFTWARE, ANY! Just imagine the happy look on his face when he realized how many thousands of dollars he now will save...
The best part for me is that I am an employee of Ken's company, I am actually the Director of Marketing, and as such I can also get any free Microsoft software for my computers (they only need 7-8 for his office). Wow! We will be ordering everything next week, it will be sent out from Microsoft on CDs. That is just amazing! I am SO happy, I was just about to upgrade a few things, and now I only have to upgrade my Adobe Acrobat Pro. How cool is that?
Wow, grattis!! vilken superöverraskning! :-)
Vilka program ska du skaffa då??? Några roliga specialare för ditt jobb, eller mer "vanliga"??
Det heter visst "Microsoft Partner". För min del blir det till att börja med en uppgraderting till Office Enterprise, sedan får vi väl se vad de har för andra godbitar. Om det är någon som har tips på bra Microsoft-program, så säg till! Jag ska kolla om det även gäller Microsoft-spel, de är ju program de med. De har en del roliga spel.
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