Yesterday was my first ever try to increase my cardiovascular fitness. I spent 30 minutes doing 30 minutes of cardio at 7 AM yesterday morning.
Starting out the first week, with my fitness level not even
on the scale, I did 6 minutes speed walk, then 1 minute jogging, and repeated 3 times. 1 minute of jogging sounds like nothing, but for someone like me, who has been through a couple of major surgeries the last few years, who has lupus and all kinds of other medical problems, it was a BIG deal. The plan is to increase the jogging part, so after 8 weeks I can run 20-30 minutes straight.
How pathetic this might sound like to you fit people, this is a plan that might work for me. I say might, because I have no idea how my body is going to react. It doesn't exactly help that I have a Baker's cyst big as an orange on the back of my left knee.
So I don't have super high hopes for this fitness plan, but I am very motivated. I need more energy, I need to take care of my heart. So I got myself a pair of really good running shoes, and I am going to give it my best...
Yesterday morning, after I got over (almost) the initial feeling that I was going to keel over, and I was done, I felt great! Too bad I have to do it 3-4 days a week for it to really count...
But it did start the day out on a positive note for sure.
Then last night I decided to be really good, and I spent over 45 minutes pushing the mower around the yard. It was really needed, but it is quite the workout since we don't have one of those self-propelled mowers. Even if it is a motorized mower, you really have to PUSH!
After that my face was read as a beet, but it felt great jumping into the shower. Plus I took the dogs for two long walks during the day, so I really got my share of workout yesterday.
So today I am a bit sore, mostly in my hips and thighs, and tomorrow I am suppose to do another 7 AM cardio.
Hopefully it will all work out and my body will be happy, not too grumpy. I better cram my MP3-player with as many upbeat songs I can find. If you would all give me your best tips on upbeat songs, I would greatly appreciate it. I mean the kind of songs that makes you smile and you just can't sit still when you hear 'em.
I need all the help I can get.. :-)