Friday, February 22, 2008

A close one!

Earlier today after being out for lunch I was on the phone with a friend from Sweden, and when she asked how I was doing after the big surgery and all I was very happy to report I am doing super great!

I had barely hung up the phone until I noticed I was having major stomach discomfort. It kind of feels like when I get one of those clogs, but much much worse. I have been feeling a bit "clogged", that is, partially obstructed in my new plumbing, the last couple of days. But this was so much worse! I was starting to worry it might be a blockage, which means a total stop in the intestine and needs immediate medical attention. I was a bit nauseated, which can be a sign. I know that if you throw up you have to go to the ER immediately, since it can be very serious.

Finally it was so painful I had to call my doctor. I was told as long as I didn't throw up I was OK. They couldn't prescribe any pain medication, since opiates have a tendency to slow things down and make a clog worse.

So I was left to try the best remedy the doctor have found over the years: lots of hot, green tea!

But unfortunately while making my first cup i had to rush to the bathroom to throw up big time. Oh man! I do NOT want to go to the hospital, no way! So I called back , begged to get a chance to try and fix it myself, and they said OK as long as I didn't throw up again. Phew...

So I laid on the bed and gulped down that tea... After about an hour I felt some major gurgling and the pain started to subside! Yes! I was in the clear, no hospital needed... So now I am staying on clear liquids for a while just to be sure. That was a close one!


Lullun said...

oj, oj, oj. Det låter verkligen inte kul det dør. Jag hoppas verkligen det slutar snart, alla dina medicinska problem!

Saltistjejen said...

Men gumman!! Det låter ju jättejobbigt. Hoppas verkligen att du snart blir bättre ïgen!!

Desiree said...

Oj oj det där lät inge vidare. Skönt att du lyckades få bukt med det hela och mår bättre nu. Pust det måste varit jättejobbigt och läskigt.
Kram på dig.