Sunday, February 17, 2008

You only hear what you want...

My cold is doing better, which is great since I have lots of work waiting!

I was sitting here working when Sarah just came into the office. After looking out the window for a few minutes she said: "Someone is taking off their pants".

What? I looked out, but couldn't see anything. I asked where, and she pointed to the neighbors working hard in their yard. "See, someone is taking CARE OF THEIR PLANTS"... Me and my dirty mind! :-)

She has a lot of interesting idea in that little mind, and some matter-of-fact answers all of the time. It is always interesting to see what she has to say nowadays.

Last night I was being funny when we were getting ready for bed. Before washing up and brushing her teeth she usually change into her pajamas. So I asked her to take her regular clothes off. She wasn't quite paying attention, so I had to ask several times. After a few times I started to add silly things to get her attention, like" take of your pants and your ear", and "take off your shirt and your nose".

She just looked at me seriously and chuckled: "Mom, that would be too bloody!" True in deed!

Have a continued great Sunday!


Saltistjejen said...

Smart liten tjej din dotter! :-)
Skönt att du börjar bli bättre också. Det är jobbigt att vara sjuk.

Desiree said...

Det hade ju varit interessant och spännande om någon hade tagit av sig byxorna utomhus. Hi hi ibland kan missförstånd bli riktigt roliga.

mia said...

Sjuk här med, måste vara årstiden. Näsan rinner och huvudet bultar -AJ!
Hoppas du mår bättre!

Annika said...

Ja, jag hörde just igår om ngt virus som sprider sig i form av feber som INTE vill ge med sig. Låter inget kul.
Hoppas att du känner dig bättre nu! Eller, ni alla förresten!