Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Tulip craze

My favorite flower is tulips. Just simple cut tulips.

Great thing about tulips is also that they are in season when it is my birthday. Back in Sweden I could always count on my place having at least a couple of bouquets around this time of February, thanks to thoughtful friends and family.

Ken and I have been together now for 11 years. Usually one of the first things you learn about each other as a new couple is the other person's likes and dislikes. Mostly because you just want to please your love and make him or her happy, right?

So a simple thing as getting cut tulips for my birthday (after all, they are cheap too) should be a no-brainer, right?

Apparently not. I don't ask for anything at all. In fact, I am fine with just a "happy birthday". But since he usually buys me flowers, why not get me the kind I really, really want? Right? Right??

Ken's track record in the flower department is lacking, to say the least. On three birthdays I have received potted tulips, almost, but not quite right. I am the kind of person who is honest and rather say what I think, to foster future situations in a more positive way. I also expect that same honesty back. So I let Ken know that potted tulips is not the same as cut tulips. In fact, I really don't like potted tulips at all. So you figured after two misses over the past 11 years, he should have it down that it is TULIPS, and not just TULIPS but CUT, not potted, TULIPS that is THE thing to get me. Right???

No. I got POTTED FREAKING TULIPS AGAIN. I love that he gave me flowers, but please! Potted? AGAIN? And I even mentioned cut tulips a few hours before he bought them!

So he noticed I didn't quite shout out hurray when I saw them. He gets pissed, and I explain WHY I am not exactly ecstatic. After all, if he is capable of running a company, why can't he remember this, after all, pretty simple thing? I was annoyed, but I got really mad when he gets ANGRY with me for not being happy with the flowers. Of course I get angry! After 11 years and two previous situations with POTTED tulips, am I not worth the consideration? Why can't he remember? I am not angry because he gave me the wrong kind, I am PISSED on the other hand that he is mad at me. 11 years, Ken. 11 years...

I suggested he keep an Excel sheet or something. It is just tulips, not brain surgery.

So there you go. Potted tulips. He might be the most unromantic guy there is. But... I love him anyway.

Somehow I knew this was going to happen, so luckily I bought myself a nice bunch of CUT tulips. They sure looks nice in their vase... :-)


Desiree said...

Jag älskar också tulpaner. Det är nog min favoitblomma. Precis som du gillar jag tulpaner som man har i vas bäst. Stackars Ken han försöker men det blir inte riktigt rätt. Fast så svårt ska det väl ändå inte vara att komma ihåg att du helst vill ha snitt tulpaner å andra sidan.

Saltistjejen said...

Jag är också tulpanfantast! Jag tror att det kan bero på att det är ett sådant vårtecken!
Just en vas med tulpaner ger en sådan skön känsla av glädje och ja, kanske lycka?!

Jag tycker lite synd om Ken jag med, men håller med dig. Varför har ofta än så svårt att "notera" vad man tycker om och gärna vill ha??? Å andra sidan så går M ofta steget längre och köper ingenting för han vill inte ge mig "fel"... Vad sägs om den?!