Yesterday when I picked Sarah up from school she said her stomach had started to hurt right before I picked her up. She never complain about being sick in any way, so when she says something like this it is usually something going on.
After we got home she said it was all in the area above her belly button and that it was getting worse. I got a little worried so I called and asked her doctor's nurse what she thought (great to be able to do that at no cost!). She said that since there is no other symptoms like fever and nausea it most likely is some type of indigestion, aka tummy upset.
We went up to the pharmacy and got some Pepto-Bismol after her recommendation (kind of like Novalucol or similar in Sweden). When we got home she refused to take it, being the picky eater she is. And might as well. I noticed she looked flush and decided to check her temperature again (I had checked it just 20 minutes earlier and she had no fever). Now it was really high!
So I called the nurse back, and the indigestion is now out. She told me to monitor her for 36 hours, since there is swine flu going around in Sarah's school. It is difficult to know how Sarah is feeling, since you can never tell on her when she is sick. So all I really have to go by is her temperature, which I will be keeping an eye on.
She has no real other symptoms now except being a bit tired and the fever, so we will see where it takes us. Poor thing!
Hoppas hon kryar pa sig illa fort!
Stackars liten!
Hoppas hon kryar på sig!
Vet hur det är med att få ner medicin och annat illasmakande.
Noah har haft krångel med magen och varit förstoppad, så vi har gett honom ett glas prunejuice varje dag, vilket hjälpt, men fy vad han grinar illa ;)
Skickar lite kramar från oss till sjuka tjejen!
Och till dig med såklart!
Hur har det gått med henne? Jag hoppas innerligt att hon är frisk och kry igen!
Har du fått någon vaccination? Jag läste hos Ingabritt (Aktuellt i Grekland) att hon fick en pneumococc-vaccination eftersom hon tillhör riskgrupperna. Det kanske vore bra för dig också om vaccinet inte är färdigt än? Det är ju följdsjukdomarna som är de farliga.
Sarah mår jättebra, 3 dagar sedan blev det bra. Jag får pneumo-vaccin vart 3:e år och vanligt influensa vaccin varje år. Det finns vanligt vaccin redo nu, har bara inte fått fart ut och ta tag it det. Svininfluensa-vaccinet kommer nog snart med. Hur jag ska övertyga Sarah att vaccinera sig vet jag inte, hon måste ta 2 sprutor med några veckors mellanrum för BÅDA influensa-vaccinen!
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