Monday, September 28, 2009


Florida is a bit backwards - the summer is NOT the time to grow anything edible, it is too hot and there are too many bugs. But I tried anyway, of course.

But now, when fall is here (well, it is still HOT, but in a few months it will be just warm, I hope). Time to plant!

This weekend I extended my herb family, so now I have regular basil, Thai basil, lemon grass, rosemary, oregano, cilantro, mint (for my new fave Mojitos!), dill, chives. Forgot the parsley, so will have to get that too.

Apparently some fire ants had decided to nest in one of my planters. These fire ants is not like Swedish "pissmyror". Fire ants are evil! After you get bit it feels like fire is burning for days, and you get puss filled little bumps. The venom they inject is apparently a substance related to black pepper, so that could explain the intense burning! I still have scars from months ago!

But apparently I must have developed some kind of allergy, because my left thumb (where I also got bit) is swelled up like a cartoon thumb and it feels all weird and numb. Not to forget the intense itching and other lovely sensations...

I tried antihistamines (double dose), antihistamine creams (normally works great for the bites), and also some cortisone cream. No relief. Freaking ants! I guess I will just have to be careful in the future, I usually get bitten every other month or so, they are everywhere around here.

Made the season's first apple pie, an Apple Crumble Pie, this weekend. With Swedish vanilla sauce, yum!

I better get to work now, have a large editing job to do.


Petra H said...

Usch, vilka obehagliga pissmyror, allt ska alltid vara värre i USA ;-) Låter härligt med alla dina odlingar, själv har jag en basilika i köksfönstret som håller på att tyna bort :-(
Jag har också gjort äpplekaka - men vi hade bara ett äpple så det blev äpple- & päronkaka... Får väl se hur den kombon smakar!?

Taina said...

Trööökigt! Du har ju ett helt zoo där i din trädgård. Ja en del tycks ju komma in också, så som ormen!

Hoppas svullnaden på tummen har släppt.

Marianne said...

Fy så jobbigt att ingenting hjälper! Hoppas det är bättre nu. Har du provat Xylocain gel? Det är smärtstillande och hjälper visserligen inte mot svullnad osv, men det kan hjälpa till att ta bort klåda och smärta.

Hm, det kanske var en myra som bet mig i foten, inte en spindel som jag trodde. Samma symptom fast utan var.
