Friday, August 19, 2011


We went by the new school last night to find out which class Sarah will be in. She ended up NOT with her best friend, but I am sure that will be just fine. They will see each other at recess anyway!

There seems to be a lot of boys at this school, at least in third grade. Sarah's new class has 13 boys and 8 girls, same with the second and third third-grader class too, and the fourth has 12 boys and 9 girls!

In her old school there were more girls than boys.

Tonight we are going to the school's open house, we will check out if there are any fun after school activities she wants to sign up for. They apparently have a bunch in school, so the kids can just stay after school and do whatever activity they like. Sarah was thinking perhaps the arts & craft club, we will see what else they have.

I worked like crazy yesterday when Sarah's BFF was here, so I have technically already done my scheduled work for this week. Good, since I need to go and get a lot of food for tomorrows beach hangout with our friends on Casey Key! And then we have to go to the open house at 4 PM.

I haven't been super strict at all when it comes to diet. I figured I would ease into it and by Monday, when school starts and we get back into a regular routine, I am cracking down the low carb whip. But we will keep the weekends open for whatever we want, so I can eat fruits and whatever if I want... I would like to loose another 10 lbs if possible, but I am happy with the 13 lbs I have lost so far (it was up to 18 lbs). Perhaps my body is happy witch this weight and won't let me loose anymore, who knows! Ken lost 25 lbs and is very happy, his clothes look really baggy on him now!

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Ovanligt med ett sådant överskott på killar i klassen men det kan ju vara kul det också. Kanske får hon nya killkompisar. Låter supersmart med att ha aktiviter på själva skolan som de kan välja bland. Då sparar man en massa tid på att slippa skjutsa och hämta på andra ställen. Jag tycker du är himla duktig som gått ner så mycket i vikt. Det blir nog lättare att hålla mer strikta linjer då man kommer in i vardagen igen. Jag tror också att det låter klokt att kunna vara mindre strikt under helgerna.