Tonight we are having Swedish yellow pea soup, the vegetarian kind.
I have had the yellow, dried peas in water over night, and I am really looking forward to eating the soup! Last time I made it (it has been a while now) it came out really good, and the husband really liked it too!
So far he has liked most Swedish food I have made for him. He loves "bruna bönor", pea soup, Swedish pancakes (kind of like crepes, very thin), Swedish meatballs and "pannbiff" (pretty much flat meatballs...), lingonberries and so on. Oh, and he loves salty licorice!
The stuff that has not gone over so well is mainly of the fish variety. Pickled herring (sill) and "Kalles Kaviar" (creamy, smoked fish roe in a tube!), but also things like crisp bread "knäckebröd" and "skorpor".
He loves sushi and regular caviar, so it is not that he is scared of trying it. He is up for most culinary adventures I take us on, he have even steered me in some odd directions (such as snails, alligator and other not so, in my opinion, yummy things)...
He likes almost everything I cook. The only thing I don't like is that when he does not like something, it can take him months before he fess up and tell me! Why? Just tell me that no, that dish was not so hot, and I will cook something else next time...
But no, he says nothing and I keep cooking it until one day the truth comes out: "I don't really like this"...
But, luckily, as I said, he loves most of the food I cook. And that is good, since I like a large variety of things, different Asian cuisine, Italian, Mexican and so on. I am not so sure of "American" food... I think I would categorize American more like what we in Sweden call "husmanskost". You know, every day food. But there are things that are typical American, like turkey dinner on Thanksgiving, jello, hamburgers and so on.
A lot of people ask me if I cook a lot of American food. I think American food is mostly a hodgepodge of food from all over the world, after all, almost everyone in America is an immigrant, even if not in first, second or even third generation. So yes, sure, we cook a lot of "American" food...
American food can be great! And not so great... Just like the food of any other country in the world...
Vi gjorde också ärtsoppa häromdagen! Jag älskar ärtsoppa!!! :-)
Men ahr inte hittat torra ärtor här så jag ber alltid folk ta med från Sverige, eller tar med själv när jag är hemma. Var kan man köpa torra gula ärtor här? Vet du?
Kul att din man gillar mycket svensk mat. Men det mesta som köttbullar o pannkakor är ju sådant som egetnlgien itne känns särksilt svenkst. Det finns ju olika varianter på detta i många länder.
Sill älskar jag i nästan alla former men itne Kalles Kaviar... Gillar din man gravad lax?? Det är ju också rätt svenskt. Eller iaf skandinaviskt.
Typiskt amerikanskt för ig är PB&J sandwiches tror jag. Jag gillar det inte särskilt mycket, men det var ändå inte så illa som jag först trodde, när jag skulle smaka.... haha! ;-)
Stor kram!!!
Gravad lax har jag ALDRIG smakat, verkligen undelrigt, får ta och ändra på det! Skulel gissa att han gilalr det... Mina ärtor är från ICA, men jag skulel gissa att de kanske har det på någon nätbutik med svensk mat här i USA. PB&J är inte min grej, men Sarah älskar det, så det blir det ofta för henne, fast på nyttigt bröd med nyttigare PB och "sylt" som bara är ren frukt...
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