Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Work on the way

As I was predicting, a big project just came in. It is from the Italians, and I really like their projects, never any problems with anything.

I asked them to extend the deadline one week, since I won't be able to work this week when Sarah is still home, plus my wrists are making it very difficult to type. By Monday, when Sarah starts camp, my wrists will hopefully be better.

I was worrying about work, summer is usually a slow time, and it would really suck if all I got were small projects all summer. But as usual, when I started thinking that, a big one came along...

Yesterday I picked some passion fruit, but I have no idea on how to know if it is ripe or not, I am only used to the small, wrinkled up kind you see in grocery stores. I tried one, but it tasted kind of sour to me.

The passion fruit

Yesterday we spent an hour at the pool, and Sarah was very upset about having to leave that early, but our friends were leaving, besides, it was just too hot.

I promised we would go today, but a bit earlier, and stay for 2 hours. I better go and slather on the sunscreen so it has some time to sink in. I use SPF 45 and 50 on her, and it is so thick!

Have a great day!


ToNiCe said...

Hej... jo om du plockar dom så måste du vänta men att äta dom fören som är mogns alltså Lite skrynkliga... läg dom i solen i föstret så får det nog fortare...
Kram Carola

S w e F l o said...

DU om någon borde jag ju ha tänkt på att fråga! Den här sorten heter Golden Passion fruit, så det är ju lite svårt att veta eftersom den inte blir så där mörklila som man är van med. Tack Carola!