Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Passion Fruit

I was just coming back from a walk with the dogs, and noticed a tree in the neighbor's front yard that is kind of hanging over into our yard. I never actually looked that close at the tree before, I knew it had a passion vine all over its top, but not until today did I notice that it is actually a tree full of passion fruit!

I have never seen a passion tree up close before, it was pretty cool discovering this close! I am sure the neighbor will let us have some fruit, she gets bananas from our banana trees all the time, and since she lives alone, I doubt she could eat all that fruit herself. I will have to ask for some after she gets back form vacation! So cool!

The tree with the passion vine all over the top
Some of the fruit hanging down

Some of the fruit, three different stages of ripening in one picture!

The beautiful passion fruit flower

1 comment:

Camilla said...

Härligt att bo mitt i en "fruktodling"! Passionsfrukt är ju så gott. Särskilt med vaniljglass, mums.

Blomman är ju helfräck, påminner lite om en manet. Kul att få se hur en sådan ser ut.

Ha det gott