We are having a huge "cold front" north of Florida, this is most likely what is causing my wrist to be so messed up. I wouldn't mind so much unless I had so much typing to do...
I tried wrapping the wrist to fixate it a bit, hopefully that helps a bit. It feels like having a broken wrist (I know, I broke this exact wrist twice when I was younger), but I know it is just the lovely lupus joint pain.
Apparently we are going to get bouts of torrential tropical downpours all through the day. The rain is welcome, we still need it, plus it helps with the heat a little, it hasn't felt more than perhaps 35 C the last few days.
And Sweden is hot, hot hot! I am so longing for Sweden right now. I just want to buy a ticket and go, BUT I have responsibilities to tend to, so no go.
But I talked to Ken and I have decided that Sarah and I are going to go by ourselves next summer. My mom promised I can have her car the entire stay, so that will be helpful. I have no idea where we would stay, but I am sure there are plenty of family we can force ourselves upon... Should be fun!
Ni är alltid välkomna att bo hos oss i Stockholm, även om det är ganska litet. Jag har ju lite att "betala" igen... Skulle vara super kul om ni kom.
Ni åker alltså inte "hem" varje sommar? Det hade faktiskt inte vi tänkt göra heller men så fick jag lite längtan så det blir 3 veckor för flickorna och mig. Maken kommer inte. Han ska fiska i Kanada en vecka och sedan ska han jobba. As usual.
Hoppas du mår bättre i fotleden nu.
Jag önskar verkligen att jag hade råd med det! Dessutom är det svårt att ta ledigt när vi båda jobba rmed egna företag. Sist jag var till Sverige var 2007, och då var det 9 (!) år sedan jag hade varit där innan... Suck ja!
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