The temperature soared, and the humidity was high. This meant the heat index rose considerably, that is, how hot it feels like to a human. It was well over 45C with the heat index, sweltering!
Luckily there was a nice breeze at the beach, so it made it a nice break. The gulf of Mexico was very warm and inviting. We had a nice Father's Day at the beach yesterday (the US celebrates its Father's Day the third Sunday of June).
I heard there were quite a few people that ended up in the hospital due to heat stroke over the weekend in our area, I beat that by floating on an air mattress in the water... Nice!
Today Sarah has her first day of Summer Camp at the YMCA, and they just took off. Me, I have to work really hard until July 6th, but that is OK. I am taking the day off on Friday to get some stuff done, and on Saturday we are having friends over for a BBQ, so that will be nice.
Well, I better get going on this project now. Glad to be inside in this hot weather!
Oj! Det ar motsatsen mot oss da. Har ar det fuktigt men inte sarskilt varmt... regn regn regn... jag borjar bli rejalt trott pa det!
Hoppas det gar bra med ditt projekt och att du inte saknar Sarah for mycket nar hon ar pa camp!
Ja det är förunderligt hur väder kan vara så annorlunda överallt! Det verkade som om ni hade en mysig Midsommar dock!
Phu, det där lät lite väl häftigt, även för mig som älskar värme.
Här har vi sommar nu, äntligen! Men tempen har inte blivit nån verklig fart på än. Men det kommer nog.
Ha det gott
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