Thursday, July 22, 2010


We went to look at a back-up house (very nice) in case our bid was not accepted. The Realtor said we will get the news before lunch today, so I am waiting!

And yesterday I didn't get much done since I ended up working a little more instead...

The phone got here, and lets just say I haven't seen it much... Sarah took it over and she loves all the fun games she can play on it (Poke a Mole, anyone?). She said "Mom, nice phone, do you have another one?" Since she figured she would take it over...

I tried the GPS turn-by-turn directions, and it was very impressive for being free. I am going to let Ken's daughter have my regular GPS, and with a car mount (on order) I should be able to just use my phone. The only thing that is not as nice as my regular TomTom is the voice. The TomTom (which we named Mandy after the voice) is nice and smooth, the phone's voice is a tad bit stiff. Her name is Betsy, in case you wondered. And why did we name our GPS? I don't know ;-)!

So far I can see getting a lot of use out of this phone and all the fun and useful apps (if I get to use it, I will have to pry it out of Sarah's hands!) :-)

Ohh, it has that new phone smell!

Say hello to my little friend...

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Håller tummarna för att ni får huset som ni budat på. Spänningen måste vara olidlig förstår jag. Men snart är det över. Nya telefonen (leksaken) ser jättefin ut. Ja det verkar finnas så mycket spel på de nya telefonerna att barnen tror att det är en leksak till dem. Min kompis här fick precis en ny telefon efter att hennes son tappat hennes nästan nya i deras toa :-)
lite kul fast inte så kul egentligen. Hon fick iallfall en ny på från jobbet.