Monday morning we were pretty tired after all that walking in the heat the day before, but we still took off so we could be at the
National Natural History Museum when they opened. Since we were going to spend most of the day here, we borrowed a wheel chair at the museum, otherwise I would not have been able to handle it. A wheel chair worked out just great!
Right after we got there I had tickets to visit the Butterfly Pavilion at the museum. This was a pretty small place, but so cool! I have been to many butterfly places, but this one was very good. You had to watch where you walked in there, since they often sat directly on the floor.

There was tons of stuff to explore at this place, a real gold mine for a family like us that likes anything nature. We saw exhibits about early humans, we got to use a machine that morphed our faces digitally into what we might have looked like as Neanderthals (not such a good look!), we saw endless fossils and animals on display.
In one of the fossil display cases you could see exactly where the fossil had been found, and I had to double check when I saw several that were from Gotland, my home island in Sweden! So cool!
One of the fossils from Gotland, that has found its way all the way to DC
Sarah was of course very excited to see all the real dinosaurs fossils, and she was not disappointed! Here are some of them:
The colorful one is of course Sarah, and not a fossil :-)

We also had pre-booked tickets to an IMAX 3D movie about dinosaurs which was really cool.
We spent most of the day at the National Natural History Museum and an earlier evening than usual, so I would have a chance to rest the leg a little.
Friday, July 2
Saturday, July 3
Sunday, July 4
Monday, July 5
Tuesday, July 6
Wednesday, July 7
Naturhistoriska museum är alltid kul tycker jag. Fjärilarna var också himla vackra!!
Jag gissar att Sarah trivdes här!?! :-)
Absolut! Det var tjockt med folk mot eftermiddagen, men det var det värt!
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