Bob and I just came back from his ultrasound at the specialist's office.
We have good news and we have bad news. The good news is that there doesn't seem to be any masses of any kind, so no cancer.
The bad news is that his pancreas is in pretty bad shape. It can be controlled with careful low fat diet, but pretty much one slice of bacon can cause the pancreas to erupt into fury, cause multiple organ failure and kill him.
So the key is to make sure he doesn't steal anything that is bad for him, or let anyone give him any treats.
He can still have veggies and fruits, so that will make him happy. He loves raisins, bananas and salad!
It makes me nervous, what if he gets his paws on something that is bad for him? Especially when we have people over and stuff like that.
He is doing great now, he looks great. A few years ago he used to weigh in at 18 lbs (8.16 kg), now he is down to a much healthier 13.6 lbs (6.16 kg). He has great energy and he just looks good.
The only negative side effect of this new food, except it being so expensive, is that it has turned both dogs into pooping machines! There is no end to it! But that is all the fiber in it. At least they love the food; other "diet" food we tried they have just wrinkled their noses at.
I am just happy there is hope for Bob, he has been part of our family for 10 years now, and we would like to keep it that way for a few more years!
Skönt att höra att Bob mår så mycket bättre. Jag hoppas att han får fortsätta må bra nu när han går på sin nya diet. Roligt med en hund som gillar sallad, det har jag aldrig hört innan. Men visst vill man att de ska få hänga med i många år till. Mina föräldrars vovve börjar bli riktigt gammal men jag hoppas att han hänger med många år till.Vill inte ens tänka tanken på att han kanske inte har så många år kvar.
Skönt också att ni såg igenom planen som dottern hade med att hyra erat hus. Jag förstår dig till fullo att du är less på henne och på all denna cirkus. Men det var bra att ni sa till med en gång och fick upp ögonen för vad som var i görningen.
Så skönt för er att han mår ganska bra egentligen fast han är dålig till tusen. Att han älskar frukt kan jag skriva under på för äpplen är en av hans passioner. Men annat går ner också :)
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