Wow. This week has been non-stop go, go, go!
I am starting to feel I am not in control and it is just too much to do. But I was able to get some breathing room by at least rescheduling tomorrow's ultrasound until Monday. That will help a lot!
There has been so much work coming and going, my head is almost spinning.
But my priorities are Sarah, work and then everything else. There is a big tax deadline today, so Ken has been super busy too, haven't seen much of him. He will actually be home in normal time today, mow the yard and have dinner with us, hooray!
Having a dinner party on Saturday doesn't sound like such great idea right now, but I think I have solved most of the cooking at least by deciding to get BBQ from a local BBQ company. Pulled pork, chicken and ribs. They are also going to supply us with cole slaw, potato salad and BBQ beans. I got the rest of the food (except a few items that has to be purchased fresh on Saturday), so we are looking good there.
And one of Ken's clients are making us specially made Halloween cupcakes for dessert, she has a bakery. Awesome! So there is a chance I will actually get to sit down and relax with our friends as well!
Now the only problem is how I am going to find time to clean? Luckily I have done a little every day, so hopefully it should not be too bad, mostly straightening up, dusting and floors.
Thank goodness for frozen lasagna, that is what is for dinner tonight, all I have to do is pop it in and make a little salad then it is done!
September is just flying away it seems, but I guess that is how it feels when you are keeping super busy.
I also managed to get a flu shot today at my local grocery store. Pretty convenient, just pop in between the Tylenol and the cough syrups and get one. Awesome!
Ja jag känner verkligen igen det där med att jobba så att huvet håller på att trilla av. Tiiiden räcker helt enkelt inte till här heller. Jag undrar om jag kommer att kunna fortsätta blogga dagligen som innan. Jag tror att det får bli lite då och då för just nu är det så himla mycket här med allt nytt både på jobbfronten och hemmafronten. BBQ festen låter himla trevlig och maten du beställt jättegod så jag tror det kommer bli väldigt lyckat.Skönt också att du på så sätt kommer att faktiskt få tid till att umgås med dina gäster. Ibland är det bra mycket. Man skulle vilja ha en stor pausknap att kunna trycka på.
Kram och sköt om dig.
Och jag får dåligtr samvete av att inte hinna med att kommentera andras bloggar, fast jag försöker i alal fall läsa. Tidsbrist absolut denna vecka!
Bra lösning det där med att få hem den mesta maten. Blir lättare då.
Håller med om att september flyger iväg! Fattar inte var dagarna tar vägen!
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