Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nice touch

In this day and age it is sometimes dificult to get that perosnailized service of olde rdays - things are fast and faster.

It was therefore very nce to recive a handwritten note form the people where I have my business account. They always have a smile for me, and they always give me treats for the dogs and Sarah, even when they ar enot with me (I always go thorugh teh drive trough when I deposit money).

Nice to knwo someone still knows how to treat customers...

The note I got from my bank

1 comment:

Desiree said...

Åh vilken fin liten hälsning. Jag förstår att du blir glad av den. Det känns som sagt så ovanligt nuför tiden att man faktiskt får något handskrivet på det här sättet. Här skulle jag också fortsätta vara kund om man får en sådan fin uppskattning. Ha en fortsatt trevlig helg.